
Prepositions Exercise -1

Prepositions Exercise -1

Prepositions Exercise -1

Complete the sentences with among and between.

1. I was sitting —– my two sisters when he came in.

A) between

B) among

2. Mother divided the cake —– her three children.

A) between

B) among

3. I can’t see any difference —– these two maps.

A) between

B) among

4. They spent their holidays —– the mountains.

A) between

B) among

5. They found the boy —– the bushes in the garden.

A) between

B) among

6. She invited Jane —– others.

A) between

B) among

7. These two brothers can never agree —– themselves.

A) between

B) among

8. This family are always quarreling —– themselves.

A) between

B) among

9. Just —– ourselves, I can’t stand that man.

A) between

B) among

10. The railway line runs —– the road and the river.

A) between

B) among

11. The story is a dialogue —– husband and wife.

A) between

B) among

12. There was a great quarrel —– the two friends.

A) between

B) among

13. The property was divided equally —– his son and daughter.

A) between

B) among

14. Rick and his wife can usually solve their problems —– them.

A) between

B) among

15. The choice is —– vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry ice cream cone.

A) between

B) among

16. Profits are divided —– the stockholders of the corporation.

A) between

B) among

17. The votes were evenly divided —– the Democratic candidate and the Republican candidate.

A) between

B) among

Answers :

1. between 4. among 7. between 10. between 13. between 16. among
2. among 5. among 8. among 11. between 14. between 17. between
3. between 6. among 9. between 12. between 15. among


Prepositions HOMAPAGE

Complete the sentences with among and between.