

Inversion: Enhancing Sentence Structure and Adding Emphasis

Inversion is a grammatical structure that involves reversing the typical word order in a sentence. It is commonly used to add emphasis, create a more formal tone, or introduce a sense of anticipation or surprise. In this section, we will explore the concept of inversion, its various forms, and provide examples to illustrate its usage.

  1. Standard Word Order: In typical English sentence structure, the subject comes before the verb:

Example 1: She is studying for her exams.

  1. Subject-Verb Inversion: Inversion occurs when the subject and verb positions are reversed, usually with an auxiliary verb or certain adverbs or adverbial expressions.

Example 2: Studying for her exams, is she. (Inversion with a verb and subject)

  1. Verb-Subject Inversion in Questions: In questions, the subject and verb positions are inverted, forming interrogative sentences.

Example 3: Is she studying for her exams? (Inversion in a question)

  1. Adverbial Inversion: Inversion can also occur with certain adverbs or adverbial expressions, such as “never,” “not only,” “rarely,” “seldom,” “only when,” etc.

Example 4: Never have I seen such a beautiful sunset. (Inversion with an adverb)

Example 5: Only when the sun sets does the city come alive. (Inversion with an adverbial expression)

  1. Emphasizing Adverbs and Adverbial Phrases: Inversion can be used to place emphasis on adverbs or adverbial phrases, giving them greater prominence in the sentence.

Example 6: Not only did she complete the project, but she also exceeded expectations. (Emphasizing “not only”)

  1. Conditional Inversion: Inversion is often used in conditional sentences to emphasize the conditionality and introduce a sense of anticipation.

Example 7: Should you need any assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us. (Inversion in a conditional sentence)

  1. Formal and Poetic Usage: Inversion is frequently employed in formal writing, literature, and poetry to add a distinctive tone or create a rhythmic effect.

Example 8: O, Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo? (Inversion in Shakespearean language)

Conclusion: Inversion is a powerful grammatical tool that can enhance sentence structure, add emphasis, and introduce a sense of anticipation or surprise. By reversing the standard word order, whether in questions, adverbial phrases, conditional sentences, or for stylistic purposes, you can create more impactful and memorable expressions. Practice incorporating inversion into your writing and speech to add variety and depth to your language use. Mastering this technique will allow you to convey meaning with greater nuance and engage your audience effectively.




Change each sentence by inverting the verb.

1. We rarely go to movies.
2. I seldom sleep past seven o’clock.
3. I hardly ever agree with her.
4. I will never forget the wonderful people I have met here.
5. I have never known Pat to be dishonest.
6. The mail scarcely ever arrives before noon.
7. He hardly ever comes to work on time.
8. Women at no time have had greater opportunities.
9. He was pleased with himself only after he received first prize.
10.The traffic had never been so bad.
11. She not only came but stayed for two hours.
12. You can buy tickets only before the opening of the show.
13. He did not say a single word during dinner.
14. They go to the theatre only on rare occasions.


1. Rarely do we go …
2. Seldom do I …
3. Hardly ever do I …
4. Fever will I …
5. Never have I known …
6. Scarcely ever does the mail arrive …
7. Hardly ever does he come to work on time.
8. At no time have women had greater opportunities.
9. Only after he received first prize was he pleased with himself.
10. Never had the traffic been so bad.
11. Not only did she come, but she stayed for two hours.
12. Only before the opening of the show can you buy tickets.
13. Not a single word did he say during dinner.
14. Only on rare occasion do they go to the theater.



Change each sentence by inverting the verb.

1. He little thought he would be famous one day.
2. His ambition was such that he would stop at nothing.
3. The rain poured down for three days.
4. He little knows what is in store for him.
5. The balloon went up, and the people cheered.
6. The friends were few that he could rely on.
7. The winds were so strong that the trees were uprooted.
8. From its tiny cage the bird flew out.


1. Little did he think he would be famous one day.
2. Such was his ambition that he would stop at nothing
3. Down poured the rain for three days.
4. Little does he know what is in store for him.
5. Up went the balloon, and the people cheered.
6. Few were the friends that he could rely on.
7. So strong were the winds that the trees were uprooted.
8. Out flew the bird from its tiny cage.


Exercise -3

Change these sentences by inverting the verb. (Some sentences are
incorrect as they stand).

1. The gun lay in the drawer.
2. There many reasons were for the choice.
3. A basket full of food was under the tree.
4. That she will arrive tomorrow is possible.
5. A horse stood beside the roadside.
6. There several details are which cannot be overlooked.
7. The telephone was next to the bed.
8. There a possibility is that we can go.


1. In the drawer lay the gun.
2. There were many reasons for the choice.
3. Under the tree was a basket full of food.
4. It is possible that she will arrive tomorrow.
5. Beside the roadside stood a horse.
6. There are several details which cannot be overlooked.
7. Next to the bed was the telephone.
8. There is a possibility that we can go.



Change the following indirect questions into direct questions.

1. I don’t know when you wrote to the university.
2. I am not sure if that is the new catalogue.
3. Tell me what you mean.
4. I have no idea if she is coming.
5. Can you tell me where your register is.
6. I wonder how far it is to the nearest bus stop.
7. I would like to know if I have passed the test.
8. He wants to know what time the bookstore closes.


1. When did you write to the university? 5. Where do you register?/td>
2. Is that the new catalog? 6. How far is it to the nearest bus stop?/td>
3. What do you mean? 7. Have I passed the test?/td>
4. Is she coming? 8. What time does the bookstore close?


Exercise -5

These sentences contain mistakes in word order. Correct them.

1. Under the bed the dog lay.
2. Not until recently people have been so interested in health foods.
3. Scarcely the man had left when the bomb exploded.
4. Up the dog jumped when it saw its master.
5. There many references are at the back of the book.
6. So few his errors were that he could pass for a native speaker.
7. I wonder when will I get my test score results.
8. They haven’t told me if I to write an essay.


1. Under the bed lay the dog.
2. Not until recently have people so interested in health foods.
3. Scarcely had the man left when the bomb exploded.
4. Up jumped the dog when it saw its master.
5. There are many references at the been back of the book.
6. So few were his errors that he could pass for a native speaker.
7. I wonder when I will get my test score results.
8. They haven’t told me if I have to write an essay.



Rewrite the following sentences, inverting the subject and the verb.

1. I will never allow myself to be deceived in such a manner again.
2. She didn’t think for one minute that she would win the competition.
3. One rarely finds a person of such integrity as Henry.
4. World peace will not be secure until all nuclear weapons are eliminated.
5. Sentries aren’t allowed to leave their posts at any time.
6. Policemen are allowed to use guns only after several years’ training.
7. I couldn’t persuade her in any way to see the foolishness of her plan.
8. As soon as I settled down to read the paper, the doorbell rang.
9. She little realized how the evening was to end.
10. If you ever need any help, just give me a ring.
11. If she had found out that he had been married before, she would never have
married him.
12. If life on other planets were ever found, there would probably be no means of communication.


1. Never again will I allow myself….
2. Not for one moment did she think that she would win the competition.
3. Rarely does one find a person of such integrity as Henry.
4. Not until all nuclear weapons are eliminated will world peace be secure.
5. At no time are sentries allowed to leave their posts.
6. Only after several years training are policemen allowed to use guns.
7. In no way could I persuade her to see the foolishness of her plan.
8. No sooner had I settled down to read the paper than the doorbell rang.
9. Little did she realize how the evening was to end.
10. Should you ever need any help, just give me a ring.
11. Had she found out that he had been married before, she would never have merried him.
12. Were life on other planets ever to be found, there would probably be no means of communication.