
Vocabulary Exercise -2

Define whether the following sentences are TRUE or FALSE


#1. The modem art piece they chose was plain but bold.

#2. Can you let the student continue with this course if he makes up all missed work?

#3. Are you quite sure you wish to spend that much for one chair?

#4. I think my battery has a loose connection.

#5. From reading his letter, I inferred that he was having financial problems.

#6. The principle fact I would like you to remember concerns the human personality.


#7. The young actress was able to create the allusion.that she was middle-aged.


#8. I do not trust that man; he has absolutely no principles.

#9. I most fell off my seat laughing when I saw the clown chase the bull.

almost fell off

#10. Do you think that its difficult to learn a foreign language?

it’s difficult

#11. His wife was formerly married to the Spanish Ambassador.

#12. Are you trying to infer that I should study more?

try ing to imply

#13. Her parents are quite old, but relatively healthful.


#14. Please leave him find out the truth by himself.

let him

#15. He put his keys in his coat pocket so that he would not loose them.




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Vocabulary Exercise -2

Vocabulary Exercise -2

Vocabulary Exercise -2

Exercise-2 Define whether the following sentences are TRUE (T) or FALSE (F).

Correct mistakes.

1. Do you think that its difficult to learn a foreign language?
2. The modem art piece they chose was plain but bold.
3. The principle fact I would like you to remember concerns the human personality.
4. Are you quite sure you wish to spend that much for one chair?
5. His wife was formerly married to the Spanish Ambassador.
6. Her parents are quite old, but relatively healthful.
7. The young actress was able to create the allusion.that she was middle-aged.
8. From reading his letter, I inferred that he was having financial problems.
9. He put his keys in his coat pocket so that he would not loose them.
10.Can you let the student continue with this course if he makes up all missed work?
11.Please leave him find out the truth by himself.
12.I do not trust that man; he has absolutely no principles.
13. I most fell off my seat laughing when I saw the clown chase the bull.
14.I think my battery has a loose connection.
15.Are you trying to infer that I should study more?



1. F, it’s difficult 6. F, healthy 11. F,lethim
2. T 7. F, illusion 12.T
3. F, principal 8. T 13.F, almost fell off
4. T 9. F,lose 14.T
5. T 10.T 15. F, try ing to imply
