
Vocabulary Exercise -3

Define whether the sentences are TRUE (T) or FALSE (F).

Pay attention to word choice.


#1. In a surprise vote the board excepted John from membership.

#2. One reason people will emigrate from their country is to escape political persecution.

#3. Will John take his doctor’s advice?

#4. He has all ready spent next month’s allowance.


#5. Can you get everybody altogether for the meeting in ten minutes?

all together

#6. Marry looked all day for clothes suitable to cover the worn pillows.


#7. The two political candidates certainly differed loudly from each other.

differed loudly with

#8. Do not try to drive further today.


#9. Will you accept my apologies?

#10. I was surprised at the advise he gave me.


#11. Steve differs with his father in physical appearance.

differs from

#12. Helen enjoys wearing the clothes she designs.

#13. Did you look besides the sofa for your book?

beside the sofa

#14. Why did so many people immigrate from Uruguay to go to Australia?

emigrate from

#15. Let me give you some farther instructions.

further instruction



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Vocabulary Exercise 3

Vocabulary Exercise -3

Vocabulary Exercise 3

Define whether the sentences are TRUE (T) or FALSE (F).

Pay attention to word choice.

1. He has all ready spent next month’s allowance.
2. Marry looked all day for clothes suitable to cover the worn pillows.
3. Will John take his doctor’s advice?
4. In a surprise vote the board excepted John from membership.
5. Can you get everybody altogether for the meeting in ten minutes?
6. Helen enjoys wearing the clothes she designs.
7. The two political candidates certainly differed loudly from each other.
8. One reason people will emigrate from their country is to escape political persecution.
9. Did you look besides the sofa for your book?
10. Do not try to drive further today.
11. Will you accept my apologies?
14. Why did so many people immigrate from Uruguay to go to Australia?
13. I was surprised at the advise he gave me.
14. Steve differs with his father in physical appearance.
15. Let me give you some farther instructions.



1. F, already 6. T 11.T
2. F, cloth 7. F, differed loudly with 12.F, emigrate from
3. T 8. T 13.F, advice
4. T 9. F, beside the sofa 14.F, differs from
5. F, all together 10.F, farther 15.F, further instruction