
Vocabulary Exercise -5

Vocabulary Exercise -5
Define whether the sentences are TRUE (T) or FALSE (F). Pay attention to the part of speech according to the suffix.


#1. What do you think is the real of that situation?

the reality

#2. That country has a very large populate.


#3. His illness was chronically.


#4. Jane was surprised that he spoke so childish.


#5. Does the book list the populous of that country in 1950?


#6. He had an unhappy childlike.


#7. You should realize the truth.

#8. Japan is a very populous nation.

#9. I never questioned his accurately.


#10. Her manner was friendly and natural.

#11. That new medicine will not be readily available until next year.

#12. Bob hopes to beauty his home by painting and carpeting.


#13. I was amazed at her natural beauty.

#14. Dr. Smith’s capacity for hard work was incredible.

#15. Lawrence is a very happily man.




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Vocabulary Exercise -5

Vocabulary Exercise -5

Define whether the sentences are TRUE (T) or FALSE (F). Pay attention to the part of speech according to the suffix.

1. Bob hopes to beauty his home by painting and carpeting.
2. Lawrence is a very happily man.
3. Japan is a very populous nation.
4. What do you think is the real of that situation?
5. Her manner was friendly and natural.
6. Dr. Smith’s capacity for hard work was incredible.
7. I never questioned his accurately.
8. Jane was surprised that he spoke so childish.
9. That new medicine will not be readily available until next year.
10. Does the book list the populous of that country in 1950?
11. I was amazed at her natural beauty.
12. His illness was chronically.
13. He had an unhappy childlike.
14. You should realize the truth.
15. That country has a very large populate.



1. F, to beautify 6. T 11.T
2. F, happy 7. F, accuracy 12. F, chronic
3. T 8. F, childishly 13. F, childhood
4. F, the reality 9. T 14.T
5. T 10. F, the population 15.F, population