
Vocabulary Exercise -10

Write the letter of the choice that is most nearly the same in meaning as the word


#1. to counsel

#2. a challenge

#3. a variety

#4. a potential

#5. to propose

#6. to transform

#7. a surplus

#8. an emphasis

#9. to interpret

#10. to detect

#11. to pursue

#12. a conscience

#13. to accompany



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Vocabulary Exercise -10, Write the letter of the choice that is most nearly the same in meaning as the word

Vocabulary Exercise -10

Write the letter of the choice that is most nearly the same in meaning as the word

1. to transform

A) build

B) change

C) make difficult

D) cross

Answer : change

2. to pursue

A) follow

B) run from

C) suggest

D) create

Answer : follow

3. to accompany

A) avoid

B) go with

C) invite

D) visit

Answer : go with

4. to propose

A) aim for

B) ignore

C) suggest

D) be proper

Answer : suggest

5. an emphasis

A) special attention

B) possibility

C) lack of importance

D) answer

Answer : special attention

6. a surplus

A) subtraction

B) extra

C) a lot

D) answer

Answer : extra

7. to detect

A) discover

B) make

C) follow

D) commit a crime

Answer : discover

8. a potential

A) favorite

B) possibility

C) refusal

D) desire

Answer : possibility

9. a conscience

A) awareness

B) rule

C) agreement

D) moral sense

Answer : moral sense

10. to interpret

A) notice

B) explain

C) chase

D) enter

Answer : explain

11. a variety

A) interest

B) health

C) leftover

D) assortment

Answer : assortment

12. a challenge

A) smth. demanding

B) first choice

C) importance

D) change

Answer : smth. demanding

13. to counsel

A) meet

B) elect

C) give advice to

D) attract

Answer : give advice to

Vocabulary Exercise -10