
Vocabulary Exercise -9

Write the letter of the choice that is most nearly the opposite in meaning to the word


#1. current

#2. to protest

#3. to penalize

#4. sufficient

#5. incredible

#6. to originate

#7. a remedy

#8. maximum

#9. to vary

#10. a conflict

#11. to maintain

#12. external



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Vocabulary Exercise -9, Write the letter of the choice that is most nearly the opposite in meaning to the word

Vocabulary Exercise -9

1) Write the letter of the choice that is most nearly the opposite in meaning to the word

1. a conflict

A) agreement

B) argument

C) gift

D) idea

Answer : agreement

2. to originate

A) end

B) begin

C) remember

D) forget

Answer : end

3. external

A) outer

B) inner

C) upper

D) lower

Answer : inner

4. to penalize

A) admire

B) free

C) reward

D) entertain

Answer : reward

5. to vary

A) keep the same

B) warm

C) change

D) attack

Answer : keep the same

6. a remedy

A) need

B) cure

C) extra

D) poison

Answer : poison

7. sufficient

A) comfortable

B) organized

C) not enough

D) unimportant

Answer : not enough

8. current

A) electrical

B) by hand

C) not attractive

D) out-of-date

Answer : out-of-date

9.  incredible

A) amazing

B) believable

C) not natural

D) asleep

Answer : believable

10. to maintain

A) stop

B) believe

C) doubt

D) ignore

Answer : stop


A) biggest

B) most

C) least

D) hardest

Answer : least

12. to protest

A) broadcast

B) hide

C) notice

D) approve of

Answer : approve of

Vocabulary Exercise -9