
Prepositions Exercise-17

Choose the most suitable preposition to fill the blank.


#1. There was a shop here ……… 1990. It closed that year.

#2. There is a tree ……… the house. Straight across the road.

#3. We have a long day ……… us. Let’s get going!

#4. There is a restaurant ……… my office. Two minutes away.

#5. They stopped ……… the city to check the map.

#6. We are ……… a powerful enemy.

#7. There were two people ……… me. So that made three.

#8. We can’t play tennis ……… the rain.

#9. We didn’t go swimming, ……… the cold weather.

#10. We don’t have any tea. Would you like coffee ……… tea?



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One word prepositions

Prepositions Exercise-17
Prepositions Exercise-17

Choose the most suitable preposition to fill the blank.

There is a restaurant ……… my office. Two minutes away.

a) except for
b) near to
c) preparatory to

Answer : b) near to

There is a tree ……… the house. Straight across the road.

a) forward of
b) in lieu of
c) opposite to

Answer : c) opposite to

There was a shop here ……… 1990. It closed that year.

a) up to
b) aside from
c) in face of

Answer : a) up to

There were two people ……… me. So that made three.

a) as for
b) on board
c) in addition to

Answer : c) in addition to

They stopped ……… the city to check the map.

a) but for
b) outside of
c) contrary to

Answer : b) outside of

We are ……… a powerful enemy.

a) up against
b) save for
c) on behalf of

Answer : a) up against

We can’t play tennis ……… the rain.

a) as for
b) other than
c) because of

Answer : c) because of

We didn’t go swimming, ……… the cold weather.

a) on behalf of
b) owing to
c) with reference to

Answer : b) owing to

We don’t have any tea. Would you like coffee ……… tea?

a) out of
b) instead of
c) by means of

Answer : b) instead of

We have a long day ……… us. Let’s get going!

a) up until
b) ahead of
c) but for

Answer : b) ahead of

One word prepositions

Prepositions Exercise

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