
Pronouns Exercise -3

Define whether the following sentences are TRUE (T) or FALSE (F). Correct mistakes.

#1. Mary will never be as rich as I.

#2. How often do you have the opportunity to meet a man as intelligent as him?

as intelligent as he

#3. That project is the responsibility of Susan and she.

Susan and her

#4. The children assembled the toy house by theirselves.

by themselves

#5. I was surprised to learn that Betty and him were hurt in the accident.

Betty and he

#6. Do not forget to give the message to Bob and me.

#7. I often remember when Paul and I visited Rome.

#8. She gave us, Margaret and I, the notes we missed in class.

Margaret and me

#9. It is her, the one whom nobody likes.

It is she

#10. The tourists asked us, my cousin and me, how to get to the museum.

#11. They were sitting by themselves next to the swimming pool.

#12. He moved the furniture by hisself.

by himself

#13. For the majority of us the issue is rather confusing.

#14. Please be sure to notify my husband or I when the package arrives.

my husband or me

#15. Let us keep this secret between you and me.



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Pronouns Exercise -3, Define whether the following sentences are TRUE (T) or FALSE (F). Correct mistakes.

Pronouns Exercise-3

Define whether the following sentences are TRUE (T) or FALSE (F). Correct mistakes.

1. I was surprised to learn that Betty and him were hurt in the accident.
2. I often remember when Paul and I visited Rome.
3. He moved the furniture by hisself.
4. She gave us, Margaret and I, the notes we missed in class.
5. They were sitting by themselves next to the swimming pool.
6. That project is the responsibility of Susan and she.
7. Let us keep this secret between you and me.
8. Do not forget to give the message to Bob and me.
9. The tourists asked us, my cousin and me, how to get to the museum.
10. Please be sure to notify my husband or I when the package arrives.
11. The children assembled the toy house by theirselves.
12. How often do you have the opportunity to meet a man as intelligent as him?
13. For the majority of us the issue is rather confusing.
14. Mary will never be as rich as I.
15. It is her, the one whom nobody likes.
1. F, Betty and he 6. F, Susan and her 11.F, by themselves
2. T 7. T 12.F, as intelligent as he
3. F, by himself 8. T 13.T
4. F, Margaret and me 9. T 14.T
5. T 10.F, my husband or me 15.F, It is she


Pronouns Exercise-3

Pronouns Exercise -2, Choose the word that correctly completes each sentence below.

Pronouns Exercise -3

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