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Subject-Verb Agreement Exercise -3

Subject-Verb Agreement Exercise -3

Underline the form from that correctly completes each sentence.


#1. Everyone who (goes / go) into the woods should recognize common poisonouscplants such as poison ivy and poison oak.


Answer : goes


Everyone who goes into the woods should recognize common poisonouscplants such as poison ivy and poison oak.

#2. The Earth and Pluto (is / are) the only two planets in the solar system believed to have a single moon.


Answer : are


The Earth and Pluto are the only two planets in the solar system believed to have a single moon.


#3. There (is / are) two types of calculus, differential and integral.


Answer : are


There are two types of calculus, differential and integral.

#4. Ethics (is / are) the study of moral duties, principles, and values.


Answer : is


Ethics is the study of moral duties, principles, and values.

#5. The Chinese (was /were) drinking tea in the year 2000 B.C.


Answer : were


The Chinese were drinking tea in the year 2000 B.C.

#6. My new pair of pants (is / are) at the cleaners.


Answer : is


My new pair of pants is  at the cleaners.

#7. The number of chromosomes in a cell (varies / vary) from species to species.


Answer : varies


The number of chromosomes in a cell varies from species to species.

#8. Every man and woman (has / have) the right to vote.


Answer : has


Every man and woman has the right to vote.

#9. Each of the Ice Ages (was / were) more than a million years long.


Answer: was


Each of the Ice Ages was more than a million years long.

#10. The battery, along with the alternator and starter, (makes / make) up the electrical system of a car.


Answer : makes


The battery, along with the alternator and starter, makes up the electrical system of a car.

#11. The police (is / are) on the alert for the escaped convict.


Answer : are


The police are on the alert for the escaped convict.

#12. Fifteen hundred dollars a year (was / were) the per-capita income in the United States in 1950.


Answer : was


Fifteen hundred dollars a year was the per-capita income in the United States in 1950.

#13. A number of graduates (have / has) received scholarship from this department.


Answer : have


A number of graduates have  received scholarship from this department.

#14. In a chess game, the player with the white pieces always (moves / move) first.


Answer : moves


In a chess game, the player with the white pieces always moves first.

#15. George Gershwin, together with his brother Ira, (was / were) the creator of the first musical comedy to win Pulitzer Prize.


Answer : was


George Gershwin, together with his brother Ira, was the creator of the first musical comedy to win Pulitzer Prize.

#16. All trees, except for the tree fern, (is / are) seed bearing plants.


Answer : are


All trees, except for the tree fern, are seed bearing plants.

#17. A number of special conditions (is / are) necessary for the formation of a geyser.


Answer : are


A number of special conditions are necessary for the formation of a geyser.

#18. Most of our furniture (is / are) in storage.


Answer : is


Most of our furniture is in storage.

#19. The number of car accidents (is / are) increasing every year.


Answer : is


The number of car accidents is increasing every year.


#20. Neither Mary nor her friends (is / are) going to have a party.


Answer : are


Neither Mary nor her friends are going to have a party.

#21. The first bridge to be build with electric lights (was / were) the Brooklyn Bridge.


Answer : was


The first bridge to be build with electric lights was the Brooklyn Bridge.

#22. Both corn and wheat (is / are) grown in Canada.


Answer : are


Both corn and wheat is grown are Canada.

#23. Teeth (is / are) covered with a hard substance called enamel.


Answer : are


Teeth are covered with a hard substance called enamel.

#24. All of the money (was / were) found.


Answer : was


All of the money was found.

#25. The more-or-less rhythmic succession of economic booms and busts (is / are) referred to as the business cycle.


Answer : is


The more-or-less rhythmic succession of economic booms and busts is referred to as the business cycle.



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Subject-Verb Agreement Exercise -3

Subject-Verb Agreement Exercise -3

Choose the correct form from the parentheses.

Subject-Verb Agreement Exercise -3

Underline the form from that correctly completes each sentence.

1. George Gershwin, together with his brother Ira, (was / were) the creator of the first musical comedy to win Pulitzer Prize. was


Answer : was

George Gershwin, together with his brother Ira, was the creator of the first musical comedy to win Pulitzer Prize.

2. Every man and woman (has / have) the right to vote.



Answer : has

Every man and woman has the right to vote.

3. The Chinese (was /were) drinking tea in the year 2000 B.C.



Answer : were

The Chinese were drinking tea in the year 2000 B.C.

4. Teeth (is / are) covered with a hard substance called enamel.



Answer : are

Teeth are covered with a hard substance called enamel.

5. The more-or-less rhythmic succession of economic booms and busts (is / are) referred to as the business cycle.



Answer : is

The more-or-less rhythmic succession of economic booms and busts is referred to as the business cycle.

6. Neither Mary nor her friends (is / are) going to have a party.



Answer : are

Neither Mary nor her friends are going to have a party.

7. My new pair of pants (is / are) at the cleaners.



Answer : is

My new pair of pants is  at the cleaners.

8. Everyone who (goes / go) into the woods should recognize common poisonouscplants such as poison ivy and poison oak.



Answer : goes

Everyone who goes into the woods should recognize common poisonouscplants such as poison ivy and poison oak.

9. The number of car accidents (is / are) increasing every year.



Answer : is

The number of car accidents is increasing every year.

10. In a chess game, the player with the white pieces always (moves / move) first.



Answer : moves

In a chess game, the player with the white pieces always moves first.

11. A number of special conditions (is / are) necessary for the formation of a geyser.



Answer : are

A number of special conditions are necessary for the formation of a geyser.

12. Most of our furniture (is / are) in storage.



Answer : is

Most of our furniture is in storage.

Subject-Verb Agreement Exercise -3

Subject-Verb Agreement Exercise -3

Underline the form from that correctly completes each sentence.

13. All trees, except for the tree fern, (is / are) seed bearing plants.



Answer : are

All trees, except for the tree fern, are seed bearing plants.

14. The police (is / are) on the alert for the escaped convict.



Answer : are

The police are on the alert for the escaped convict.

15. Each of the Ice Ages (was / were) more than a million years long.



Answer : was

Each of the Ice Ages was more than a million years long.

16. Ethics (is / are) the study of moral duties, principles, and values.



Answer : is

Ethics is the study of moral duties, principles, and values.

17. Both corn and wheat (is / are) grown in Canada.



Answer : are

Both corn and wheat is grown are Canada.

18. The first bridge to be build with electric lights (was / were) the Brooklyn Bridge.



Answer : was

The first bridge to be build with electric lights was the Brooklyn Bridge.

19. The battery, along with the alternator and starter, (makes / make) up the electrical system of a car.



Answer : makes

The battery, along with the alternator and starter, makes up the electrical system of a car.

20. The number of chromosomes in a cell (varies / vary) from species to species.



Answer : varies

The number of chromosomes in a cell varies from species to species.

21. There (is / are) two types of calculus, differential and integral.



Answer : are

There are two types of calculus, differential and integral.

22. The Earth and Pluto (is / are) the only two planets in the solar system believed to have a single moon.



Answer : are

The Earth and Pluto are the only two planets in the solar system believed to have a single moon.

23. A number of graduates (have / has) received scholarship from this department.



Answer : have

A number of graduates have  received scholarship from this department.

24. Fifteen hundred dollars a year (was / were) the per-capita income in the United States in 1950.



Answer : was

Fifteen hundred dollars a year was the per-capita income in the United States in 1950.

25. All of the money (was / were) found.



Answer : was

All of the money was found.

Subject-Verb Agreement Exercise -3