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Singular And Plural Nouns Exercise -1

Singular And Plural Nouns

Singular And Plural Nouns Fill in the blanks.


#1. India won by ———— and three runs.

#2. Both countries have withdrawn their ————

#3. He has no ———— for his parents.

Answer : a) respect and b) respects

#4. Why are you always putting on ————?

#5. The ———— needs repairs.

#6. ———— not only destroy our property but also carry disease.

#7. He wouldn’t listen to my ————

#8. I bought three ———— oranges.

#9. He weighs nine ————

#10. His ———— small but he has no debt.

#11. That car cost me five ———— dollars.

#12. We must all stand up for the common ———



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Singular And Plural Nouns Exercise -1

Singular And Plural Nouns

Some nouns have the singular and the plural alike. Some have no singular forms; likewise, some nouns have no plural forms. Test your understanding of singular and plural nouns with this grammar exercise.

Singular And Plural Nouns Fill in the blanks.

He weighs nine ————

a) stone
b) stones
c) Either could be used here

Answer : a) stone

He weighs nine stone.

That car cost me five ———— dollars.

a) thousand
b) thousands

Answer : a) thousand

That car cost me five thousand dollars.

I bought three ———— oranges.

a) dozen
b) dozens

Answer : a) dozen

I bought three dozen oranges.

India won by ———— and three runs.

a) innings
b) an inning
c) an innings

Answer : c) an innings

India won by an innings and three runs.

His ———— small but he has no debt.

a) mean is
b) means is
c) means are

Answer : c) means are

His means are small but he has no debt.

———— not only destroy our property but also carry disease.

a) Vermin
b) Vermins

Answer : a) Vermin

Vermin not only destroy our property but also carry disease.

The ———— needs repairs.

a) house roof
b) house’s roof
c) roof of the house

Answer : c) roof of the house

The roof of the house needs repairs.

He has no ———— for his parents.

a) respect
b) respects

Answer : a) respect and b) respects

He has no respect for his parents.

Both countries have withdrawn their ————

a) force
b) forces

Answer : b) forces

Both countries have withdrawn their forces.

Why are you always putting on ————?

a) air
b) airs

Answer : b) airs

Why are you always putting on airs?

We must all stand up for the common ———

a) good
b) goods

Answer : a) good

We must all stand up for the common good.

He wouldn’t listen to my ————

a) advice
b) advices
c) advise

Answer : a) advice

He wouldn’t listen to my advice.

Singular And Plural Nouns


He weighs nine stone.
That car cost me five thousand dollars.
I bought three dozen oranges.
India won by an innings and three runs.
His means are small but he has no debt.
Vermin not only destroy our property but also carry disease.
The roof of the house needs repairs.
He has no respect for his parents.
Both countries have withdrawn their forces.
Why are you always putting on airs?
We must all stand up for the common good.
He wouldn’t listen to my advice.



1. I think they teach too much mathematics in schools.
2. Politics is a complicated business.
3. Many cattle are suffering from a disease called BSE.
4. The police have arrested the thief.
5. Where are my glasses?
6. The organization is trying to raise funds to support its projects.
7. A number of people have tried to find the treasure.
8. A group of us are going to hold a party tomorrow.
9. Half of her students don’t understand a word she says.
10. Ten miles is a long way to walk.
11. One of my friends is going to Mexico.
12. Nobody likes him except his be