English idioms Exercise -13
20 Common English Idioms and Their Meanings
#1. What does the idiom “hit the nail on the head” mean?
Answer: C) To accurately identify or solve a problem
Explanation: This idiom means to accurately identify or solve a problem or situation.
#2. What does the idiom “under the weather” mean?
Answer: C) Feeling sick or unwell
Explanation: This idiom means to feel sick or unwell, usually due to an illness.
#3. What does the idiom “break a leg” mean?
Answer: B) To wish someone good luck
Explanation: This idiom is used to wish someone good luck, usually before a performance or event.
#4. What does the idiom “let the cat out of the bag” mean?
Answer: B) To reveal a secret or information
Explanation: This idiom means to reveal a secret or information that was supposed to be kept hidden.
#5. What does the idiom “costs an arm and a leg” mean?
Answer: A) To be very expensive
#6. What does the idiom “kick the bucket” mean?
Answer: B) To die
Explanation: This idiom is a euphemism for dying or passing away.
#7. What does the idiom “bite the bullet” mean?
Answer: B) To face a difficult or unpleasant situation
Explanation: This idiom means to endure or face a difficult or unpleasant situation with courage and determination.
#8. What does the idiom “spill the beans” mean?
Answer: B) To share a secret or information
Explanation: This idiom means to accidentally or intentionally reveal a secret or information that was supposed to be kept hidden.
#9. What does the idiom “cut corners” mean?
Answer: A) To take a shortcut or do something quickly and cheaply, usually sacrificing quality
Explanation: This idiom means to take a shortcut or do something quickly and cheaply, usually sacrificing quality in order to save time or money.
#10. What does the idiom “take a rain check” mean?
Answer: C) To postpone an event or meeting to a later time
Explanation: This idiom means to decline an invitation or suggestion, but with the intention of accepting it at a later time. It is often used when the person is busy or unavailable at the time of the invitation or suggestion.
#11. What does the idiom “beating around the bush” mean?
Answer: A) Avoiding the main topic
Explanation: This idiom means to avoid talking about the main topic or issue.
#12. What does the idiom “let the cat out of the bag” mean?
Answer: B) To reveal a secret or information that was supposed to be kept hidden
Explanation: This idiom means to accidentally or intentionally reveal a secret or information that was supposed to be kept hidden.
#13. What does the idiom “hit the nail on the head” mean?
Answer: C) To say or do something exactly right
Explanation: This idiom means to do or say something exactly right or accurate.
#14. What does the idiom “once in a blue moon” mean?
Answer: C) Very rarely
Explanation: This idiom means something that happens very rarely or infrequently.
#15. What does the idiom “in the same boat” mean?
Answer: B) To be in the same situation as someone else
Explanation: This idiom means to be in the same situation or predicament as someone else.
#16. What does the idiom “put all your eggs in one basket” mean?
Answer: C) To focus only on one option, risking everything on it
Explanation: This idiom means to focus only on one option, risking everything on it, instead of spreading your investments or efforts across multiple options.
#17. What does the idiom “keep your chin up” mean?
Answer: B) To stay positive and optimistic
Explanation: This idiom means to stay positive and optimistic, even in difficult or challenging situations.
#18. What does the idiom “a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush” mean?
Answer: A) It is better to have one thing for certain than to risk losing it by trying to get more
Explanation: This idiom means that it is better to have something that is certain and available rather than to take a risk in the hope of getting something better.
#19. What does the idiom “a piece of cake” mean?
Answer: B) Something that is easy to do
Explanation: This idiom means something that is very easy to do.
#20. What does the idiom “pull someone’s leg” mean?
Answer: B) To tease or joke with someone
Explanation: This idiom means to tease or joke with someone in a playful way.
20 Common English Idioms and Their Meanings
Improve your English language skills with these 20 common idioms and their meanings. Learn how to use idiomatic expressions in everyday conversations and impress your friends and colleagues with your language proficiency
20 Common English Idioms and Their Meanings
Improve your English language skills with these 20 common idioms and their meanings. Learn how to use idiomatic expressions in everyday conversations and impress your friends and colleagues with your language proficiency
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20 Common English Idioms and Their Meanings
20 multiple-choice questions about idioms in English, with options and explanations:
20 Common English Idioms and Their MeaningsImprove your English language skills with these 20 common idioms and their meanings. Learn how to use idiomatic expressions in everyday conversations and impress your friends and colleagues with your language proficiency |