Antecedents Of Pronouns

Antecedents Of Pronouns Exercises

Exercise -2
Exercise -3
Exercise -4

Antecedents Of Pronouns

Antecedents of Pronouns

In language certification exams, such as TOEFL, IELTS, Cambridge English, and others, a strong understanding of antecedents is crucial. Antecedents play a vital role in maintaining clarity and precision when using pronouns. A thorough grasp of the relationship between pronouns and their antecedents is essential for success in language certification exams. Let’s explore this concept further in the context of language exams.

1- Pronouns: Pronouns are used to replace nouns or noun phrases in order to avoid repetition. Common pronouns include he, she, it, they, him, her, them, etc.

Example: John is tired. He wants to go to bed.

2- Antecedents: Antecedents are the nouns or noun phrases that pronouns refer to or replace. The antecedent usually appears before the pronoun and establishes its reference.

Example: Sarah loves cats. She has three of them.

3- Agreement: Pronouns must agree with their antecedents in terms of gender, number, and person. This agreement ensures that the pronoun accurately reflects the characteristics of its antecedent.

Example: The girls are playing. They are having fun.

4- Ambiguous Antecedents: Ambiguous antecedents occur when it is unclear which noun or noun phrase the pronoun is referring to. Ambiguity can lead to confusion and should be avoided in both written and spoken language, particularly in language certification exams.

Example: I saw John and Mark. He was carrying a bag. (Unclear who is carrying the bag)

5- Indefinite Pronouns: Indefinite pronouns, such as everyone, somebody, anybody, etc., refer to nonspecific or unknown antecedents. Although these pronouns do not have a specific antecedent, their meaning is understood in context.

Example: Everybody enjoyed the party. They had a great time.

Conclusion: Antecedents play a crucial role in pronoun usage, ensuring clarity and reference. A strong understanding of the relationship between pronouns and their antecedents is important for effective communication and success in language certification exams such as TOEFL, IELTS, Cambridge English, and others. Paying attention to pronoun-antecedent agreement and avoiding ambiguous antecedents will enhance coherence in your writing and speaking. Practice identifying antecedents and using pronouns correctly to excel in your language certification exams.

Antecedents Of Pronouns


In the sentences below match the pronouns and their antecedents.

Example: Andy and Celeste have spent hundreds of hours restoring their old house. –their: Andy and Celeste.

1. Abrasive cleansers clean well, but they are also likely to scratch the surfaces of pots and pans.
2. Nancy says she plans to spend the whole day reorganizing her closets.
3. The aim of a home fire extinguisher is to cover a burning object with a substance that prevents oxygen from reaching it.
4. Do teenagers want their parents to understand them?
5. Joshua wrote his first autobiography when he was nine years old.
6. Several old friends called Keith to congratulate him after his letter was published in Sunday’s newspaper.
7. Claudia uses a rearview mirror clipped onto her bicycle helmet.
8. Paul thinks the parrot understands what it says to him.
9. Gwendolyn told Dionysios she disapproved of his working.
10. Mrs. Wilowski asked her assistants to present their proposals at the staff meeting Tuesday.

Answers :

1. they: cleansers
2. she: Nancy; her: Nancy
3. it: object
4. their: teenagers; them: teenagers
5. his: Joshua; he: Joshua
6. him: Keith; his: Keith
7. her: Claudia
8. it: parrot; him: Paul
9. she: Gwendolyn; his: Dionysios
10. her: Mrs. Wilowski; their: assistants

Antecedents Of Pronouns



Identify the sentences below as True or False.

My cousin, who keeps track of fashion trends, says they are wearing shorter skirts this fall.


Answer : False

As always, if an offer sounds too good to be true, it probably is.


Answer : True

When little Miss Muffer ate her curds, she was eating something similar to cottage cheese.


Answer : True

Maureen uses a memory typewriter-printer, a computer, a laser printer, and a multiple-function telephone, which has created some confusion.


Answer : False

Doreen is using a toothbrush to clean the grout between the bathroom tiles, but it is old.


Answer : False

Bees collect nectar and use it as food.


Answer : True

Harry and Rich will always remember his birthday celebrations.


Answer : False

If the coiled wire inside a regular light bulb were spread out, it would be about two feet long.


Answer : True

Victor’s mother wants him to go into nursing, but he doesn’t want to become one.


Answer : False

Tailors recommend that suit pants for men be just long enough so that their socks don’t show when they walk.


Answer : True

A quarter-pound burger weighs less than a quarter pound after it has been cooked.


Answer : True

Antecedents Of Pronouns

Antecedents Of Pronouns


Identify the sentences below as True (T) or False (F).

1. My cousin, who keeps track of fashion trends, says they are wearing shorter skirts this fall.
2. As always, if an offer sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
3. When little Miss Muffer ate her curds, she was eating something similar to cottage cheese.
4. Maureen uses a memory typewriter-printer, a computer, a laser printer, and a multiple-function telephone, which has created some confusion.
5. Doreen is using a toothbrush to clean the grout between the bathroom tiles, but it is old.
6. Bees collect nectar and use it as food.
7. Harry and Rich will always remember his birthday celebrations.
9. If the coiled wire inside a regular light bulb were spread out, it would be about two feet long.
9. Victor’s mother wants him to go into nursing, but he doesn’t want to become one.
10.Tailors recommend that suit pants for men be just long enough so that their socks don’t show when they walk.
11. A quarter-pound burger weighs less than a quarter pound after it has been cooked.

Answers :

1.F 2.T 3.T 4.F 5.F 6.T 7.F 8.T 9. F 10. T 11.T

1- My cousin, who keeps track of fashion trends, says they are wearing shorter skirts this fall. Answer: True (T)
2- As always, if an offer sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Answer: True (T)
3- When little Miss Muffet ate her curds, she was eating something similar to cottage cheese. Answer: True (T)
4- Maureen uses a memory typewriter-printer, a computer, a laser printer, and a multiple-function telephone, which has created some confusion. Answer: False (F)
5- Doreen is using a toothbrush to clean the grout between the bathroom tiles, but it is old. Answer: False (F)
6- Bees collect nectar and use it as food. Answer: True (T)
7- Harry and Rich will always remember his birthday celebrations. Answer: False (F)
8- If the coiled wire inside a regular light bulb were spread out, it would be about two feet long. Answer: True (T)
V9- ictor’s mother wants him to go into nursing, but he doesn’t want to become one. Answer: False (F)
10- Tailors recommend that suit pants for men be just long enough so that their socks don’t show when they walk. Answer: True (T)
11- A quarter-pound burger weighs less than a quarter pound after it has been cooked. Answer: True (T)

Antecedents Of Pronouns Exercise -1

Define whether the following sentences are True or False. Correct mistakes.

Luckily, everybody remembered their individual identification number.


Answer : False

his individual

Each of the women will take her own car to get it inspected.


Answer : True

Someone left their notebook in the conference room.


Answer : False

his notebook

Both of the boys lost his mittens.


Answer : False

their mittens

No one has finished his or her shopping yet.


Answer : True

When anyone becomes president of the bank, they must promise not to enter politics for at least two years.


Answer : False

must promise —-

Does anybody have his or her copy of the contract?


Answer : True

Everyone should floss their teeth for three to five minutes a day.


Answer : False

his teeth

Although the party invitation had suggested wearing old clothes, no one wore less than their best.


Answer : False

his best

One of them puts his lunch out on the windowsill every day to keep it cool.


Answer : True

1. F, his individual
2. T
3. F, his notebook
4. F, their mittens
5. T
6. F, he must promise ….
7. T
8. F, his teeth
9. F, his best


Define whether the following sentences are True  or False.  Correct mistakes.

1. Luckily, everybody remembered their individual identification number.
2. Each of the women will take her own car to get it inspected.
3. Someone left their notebook in the conference room.
4. Both of the boys lost his mittens.
5. No one has finished his or her shopping yet.
6. When anyone becomes president of the bank, they must promise not to enter politics for at least two years.
7. Does anybody have his or her copy of the contract?
8. Everyone should floss their teeth for three to five minutes a day.
9. Although the party invitation had suggested wearing old clothes, no one wore less than their best.
10. One of them puts his lunch out on the windowsill every day to keep it cool.

Answers :

1. False, his individual
2. True
3. False, his notebook
4. False, their mittens
5. True
6. F, he must promise ….
7. True
8. False, his teeth
9. False, his best
10. True

1- Luckily, everybody remembered their individual identification number. Answer: False (F), their individual
2- Each of the women will take her own car to get it inspected. Answer: True (T)
3- Someone left their notebook in the conference room. Answer: True (T)
4- Both of the boys lost his mittens. Answer: False (F), their mittens
5- No one has finished his or her shopping yet. Answer: True (T)
6- When anyone becomes president of the bank, they must promise not to enter politics for at least two years. Answer: False (F), he must promise…
7- Does anybody have his or her copy of the contract? Answer: True (T)
8- Everyone should floss their teeth for three to five minutes a day. Answer: False (F), their teeth
9- Although the party invitation had suggested wearing old clothes, no one wore less than their best. Answer: False (F), their best
10- One of them puts his lunch out on the windowsill every day to keep it cool. Answer: True (T)

Antecedents Of Pronouns

Exercise-4. Define whether the following sentences are True (T) or False (F). Correct mistakes.

Define whether the following sentences are True or False. Correct mistakes.

Mr. Smith told Mr. Jones that he had lost a lot of money in the stock market.



Answer : True

In the telephone directory, it says to call directory assistance in that situation.



Answer : False
The telephone directory says …

When Peter finished the examination, he gave it to the professor.



Answer : True

Cathy saw her friend as she was driving home from work.



Answer :  False As Cathy was driving home from work, she saw her friend.

When John put a new frame on the picture, it looked strange.



Answer : False  … the picture looked strange.

The laundry was not dry enough for Susan to bring it into the house.



Answer : True

He put all his savings in the stock market, and it suffered great losses that year.



Answer : False … and the stock market suffered …

When Jack was in the navy, he learned electronics.



Answer : True

In the newspaper it says there is renewed interest in the silver market.



Answer : False The newspaper says …

The A Team played the ? Team yesterday, and now it is in first place.



Answer : False … and now the A Team is in the first place.

Answers .
1. T
2. F, The telephone directory says …
4. F, As Cathy was driving home from work, she saw her friend.
5. F, … the picture looked strange.
6. T
7. F, … and the stock market suffered …
8. T
9. F, The newspaper says …
10. F, … and now the A Team is in the first place.

Antecedents Of Pronouns

Exercise-5 Define whether the following sentences are TRUE (T) or FALSE (F). Pay attention to the number agreement of a pronoun and its antecedent.

Define whether the following sentences are True or False Pay attention to the number agreement of a pronoun and its antecedent.

Every one of my girl friends has given their opinion of me.



Answer : False

… her opinion of me.

Every person who asked was permitted to bring his or her book to class to use during the examination.



Answer : True

Neither the doctor nor her patients had an opportunity to express their feelings.



Answer : True

I am looking for a person who has forgotten their suitcase.



Answer : False

… his suitcase.

Each of the children may use the swimming pool if he promises to be careful.



Answer : True

Neither my sisters nor my mother has remembered her promise to me.



Answer : True

Many of the students explained his situation to me personally.



Answer : False

… their situation to me personally. sake of others.

If anybody is in the office, they will answer their telephone.



Answer : False

… he will answer his telephone,

If everybody who had come to the meeting had brought their report with them, the meeting would have gone a lot more smoothly.



Answer : False

… his report with him ….

Neither the cat nor the dog will eat the food I bought for him.



Answer : False

… I bought for them.

One of my daughters has left her purse on the coffee table.



Answer : True

Neither of the police officers was willing to give me his name.



Answer : True

The news from that country is well known for their objectivity.



Answer : False

… for its objectivity.

Either the boss or her workers will have to give a little of their time to solve this problem.



Answer : True

Great works of art, such as the Mona Lisa and Whistler’s Mother, can be deceptive their simplicity.



Answer : True

One sometimes gives up something they want for sake of others.



Answer : False

… something one wants for the

One of the first students to come into the room could not find his name on the list.



Answer : True

Nobody lost their patience even though the meeting was long and boring.



Answer : False

Nobody lost his patience ….

Everybody must pay their fair share towards the gift.



Answer : False

… must pay his fair share ….

All of my friends brought their husbands with them to my party.



Answer : True

Antecedents Of Pronouns

Exercise-6. Two pronouns/adjectives are underlined in each sentence. Indicate which of them is not correct, A or B.

1. The team has finished its(A) season with another victory for their(B) supporters.
2. Neither Bob nor his(A) friends received his(B) test scores.
3. Every discount store advertises that their(A) products are cheaper than its(B) competitors’.
4. His parents told them(A) to put his(B) coat on.
5. Anyone who can achieve such success by themselves(A) is a credit to his(B) company.
6. Not only Tom but also Barbara had their(A) books taken from its(B) locker.
7. Everyone has put their(A) equipment back into its(B) proper place.
8. Someone has forgotten to put their(A) name on his(B) term paper.

Answers :

1. В: its supporters
2. В: their test scores
3. A: its products …
4. A: told him…
5. A: … by himself
6. В: … from their locker
7. A: … his equipment …
8. A: … his name …

Here are the corrections for the identified sentences:

1- The team has finished its(A) season with another victory for their(B) supporters. Answer: B: their supporters
2- Neither Bob nor his(A) friends received his(B) test scores. Answer: B: their test scores
3- Every discount store advertises that their(A) products are cheaper than its(B) competitors’. Answer: A: their products … its competitors’
4- His parents told them(A) to put his(B) coat on. Answer: A: told them… his coat on
5- Anyone who can achieve such success by themselves(A) is a credit to his(B) company. Answer: A: … by themselves
6- Not only Tom but also Barbara had their(A) books taken from its(B) locker. Answer: B: their books … their locker
7- Everyone has put their(A) equipment back into its(B) proper place. Answer: A: their equipment … its proper place
8- Someone has forgotten to put their(A) name on his(B) term paper. Answer: A: their name … his term paper