Sequence Of Tenses

Sequence Of Tenses

Exercise -1
Exercise -2
Exercise -3


Sequence of Tenses

The sequence of tenses is a crucial grammatical concept that holds significant importance in various language certification exams, including but not limited to TOEFL, IELTS, Cambridge English exams (such as CAE, FCE, PET), and others. This concept governs the proper usage of verb tenses in reported speech or clauses that express actions or events in relation to other actions or events. Understanding and applying the correct sequence of tenses is essential for conveying accurate and coherent information in these important language certification exams.

Let’s explore the rules and examples of the sequence of tenses:

1- Present Tense: When the main verb of a sentence is in the present tense, the verb in the subordinate clause should also be in the present tense if the action or event is simultaneous or ongoing.

Example: She says (present tense) that she is working (present tense) on a new project.

2- Past Tense: When the main verb of a sentence is in the past tense, the verb in the subordinate clause should be in a past tense form to indicate an action or event that occurred before the main verb.

Example: He said (past tense) that he had finished (past perfect tense) his assignment.

3- Future Tense: When the main verb of a sentence is in the future tense, the verb in the subordinate clause can be in the present tense or future tense, depending on the intended meaning.

Example 1: She will tell (future tense) me when she arrives (present tense).

Example 2: She will tell (future tense) me when she will arrive (future tense).

4- Conditional Tense: When the main verb of a sentence is in the conditional tense, the verb in the subordinate clause should also be in a conditional tense form to maintain consistency.

Example: If he had known (past perfect conditional) the answer, he would have told (conditional perfect) us.

5- Backshift: In reported speech, when reporting past events or statements, the verb tenses are often shifted back one tense. Present simple becomes past simple, present continuous becomes past continuous, etc.

Example: She said, “I am going to the party.” (direct speech) She said (past tense) that she was going (past continuous) to the party. (reported speech)

Conclusion: Understanding the sequence of tenses is essential for maintaining temporal consistency in sentences and reported speech, especially in important language certification exams like TOEFL and others. By following the appropriate tense choices based on the main verb and the relationship between actions or events, you can convey accurate and logical information. Practice applying the sequence of tenses in different contexts to improve your grasp of this grammatical concept and enhance your overall English language proficiency.”


Understanding the Sequence of Tenses: A Key Concept in English Grammar

Explanation: The sequence of tenses is a fundamental concept in English grammar that plays a crucial role in maintaining temporal consistency in written and spoken language. This concept governs the appropriate choice of verb tenses in reported speech and clauses that express actions or events in relation to other actions or events. By understanding the sequence of tenses, you can convey accurate and logical information, ensuring clarity and coherence in your communication.

This page aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the sequence of tenses, including rules, examples, and practical applications. Whether you are preparing for language proficiency exams like TOEFL or other important English language certifications, mastering the sequence of tenses is essential for achieving success. Explore the content on this page to enhance your understanding and proficiency in this vital aspect of English grammar.

Understanding the Sequence of Tenses: A Key Concept in English Grammar

1- Which verb tense should be used in the subordinate clause when the main verb is in the present tense?

a) Present tense
b) Past tense
c) Future tense
d) Conditional tense

Answer : a) Present tense
Explanation: When the main verb is in the present tense, the verb in the subordinate clause should also be in the present tense.

2- What tense form should the verb take in the subordinate clause when the main verb is in the past tense?

a) Present tense
b) Past tense
c) Future tense
d) Conditional tense

Answer : b) Past tense
Explanation: The verb in the subordinate clause should be in a past tense form when the main verb is in the past tense.

3- In reported speech, which tense is often used to shift the verb tenses back by one tense?

a) Present tense
b) Past tense
c) Future tense
d) Conditional tense

Answer : b) Past tense
Explanation: When reporting past events or statements, the verb tenses are often shifted back one tense.

4- If the main verb is in the future tense, which tense can be used in the subordinate clause depending on the intended meaning?

a) Present tense
b) Past tense
c) Future tense
d) Conditional tense

Answer : c) Future tense
Explanation: The verb in the subordinate clause can be in the present tense or future tense when the main verb is in the future tense.

5- Which verb tense form should be used in the subordinate clause when the main verb is in the conditional tense?

a) Present tense
b) Past tense
c) Future tense
d) Conditional tense

Answer : d) Conditional tense
Explanation: The verb in the subordinate clause should be in a conditional tense form to maintain consistency with the main verb.

6- Choose the correct backshifted form: He said, “I am going to the park.”

a) He said that he is going to the park.
b) He said that he was going to the park.
c) He said that he will go to the park.
d) He said that he would go to the park.

Answer : b) He said that he was going to the park.
Explanation: In reported speech, the present tense “am” changes to the past tense “was.”

7- Which verb tense should be used in reported speech when the main verb is in the present continuous tense?

a) Present simple tense
b) Past simple tense
c) Future simple tense
d) Present continuous tense

Answer : b) Past simple tense
Explanation: The present continuous tense changes to the past simple tense in reported speech.

8- What tense form should the verb take in the subordinate clause when the main verb is in the present perfect tense?

a) Present tense
b) Past tense
c) Present perfect tense
d) Past perfect tense

Answer : d) Past perfect tense
Explanation: The verb in the subordinate clause should be in the past perfect tense when the main verb is in the present perfect tense.

9- In reported speech, which tense form should be used in the subordinate clause when the main verb is in the present perfect continuous tense?

a) Present simple tense
b) Past simple tense
c) Present perfect tense
d) Past perfect continuous tense

Answer : c) Present perfect tense
Explanation: The present perfect continuous tense changes to the present perfect

10- Which verb tense should be used in the subordinate clause when the main verb is in the future perfect tense?

a) Present tense
b) Past tense
c) Future tense
d) Future perfect tense

Answer : d) Future perfect tense
Explanation: The verb in the subordinate clause should be in the future perfect tense when the main verb is in the future perfect tense.

Sequence Of Tenses Exercise -3

Sequence of Tenses Test



Choose the correct form of the verb in these sentences.

1. The student wasn’t able to do the translation because he (not / know) some special terms.
2. I knew that Mercury (be) the closest planet to the Sun, but I didn’t feel like answering the question.
3. Mike hoped that his friend (help) him with his car.
4. We didn’t know the score, but we were sure their team (lose).
5. Yesterday Tom heard that his aunt (be ill) for five days.
6. The children were afraid of making any noise – Mom (sleep).
7. He gave all his money to me because he (trust) me.
8. We were told that Andrew (go) to enter that college.
9. The police found out that Bob Slant (live) in London’s suburbs at that time.
10. My parents decided that we (celebrate) my birthday on Saturday.
11. Ann hasn’t been informed that the lecture (not / take place) on Friday.

Answers :

1. didn’t know
2. is
3. would help
4. had lost
5. had been ill
6. was sleeping
7. trusted
8. was going
9. lived
10. would celebrate
11. won’t take place


1- The student wasn’t able to do the translation because he didn’t know some special terms.
2- I knew that Mercury was the closest planet to the Sun, but I didn’t feel like answering the question.
3- Mike hoped that his friend would help him with his car.
4- We didn’t know the score, but we were sure their team had lost.
5- Yesterday Tom heard that his aunt had been ill for five days.
6- The children were afraid of making any noise – Mom was sleeping.
7- He gave all his money to me because he trusted me.
8- We were told that Andrew was going to enter that college.
9- The police found out that Bob Slant lived in London’s suburbs at that time.
10- My parents decided that we would celebrate my birthday on Saturday.
11- Ann hasn’t been informed that the lecture won’t take place on Friday.

Sequence Of Tenses


Correct mistakes in these sentences.

1. He was among the few who want to continue working on the project.
2. It is an accepted custom for a man to open the door when he accompanied a woman.
3. She closed the door and harries away to class.
4. We receive several applications a day and with them had been copies of transcripts and degrees.
5. Mr. Davis tried to finish his research, but he found only part of the information that he needs.
6. Between one thing and another, Charles does not finish typing his paper last night.
7. In 1990, according to statistics from the Bureau of Census, the population of the US is 250,000,000.
8. We do not receive mail yesterday because it was a holiday.
9. Mary does not finish her homework in time to go with us to the football game yesterday afternoon.
10. Although there are only two hundred foreign students studying at State University in 1970, there are more than five hundred now.
11. We thought he is planning to go on vacation after the first of the month.
12. Nancy said that she went to the supermarket before coming home.

Answers :

1. He is among …. 7…. was 250 000 000.
2. … he accompanies a woman. 8. We did not receive ….
3. … and hurried away. 9. Mary did not finish ….
4. … with them are copies …. 10.Although there were ….
5. … that he needed. 11.We thought he was planning ….
6. … Charles did not finish. 12…. that she had gone ….

Here are the corrected sentences for the exercise on sequence of tenses:

1- He is among the few who want to continue working on the project.
2- It is an accepted custom for a man to open the door when he accompanies a woman.
3- She closed the door and hurried away to class.
4- We receive several applications a day, and with them are copies of transcripts and degrees.
5- Mr. Davis tried to finish his research, but he found only part of the information that he needed.
6- Between one thing and another, Charles did not finish typing his paper last night.
7- In 1990, according to statistics from the Bureau of Census, the population of the US was 250,000,000.
8- We did not receive mail yesterday because it was a holiday.
9- Mary did not finish her homework in time to go with us to the football game yesterday afternoon.
10- Although there were only two hundred foreign students studying at State University in 1970, there are more than five hundred now.
11- We thought he was planning to go on vacation after the first of the month.
12- Nancy said that she had gone to the supermarket before coming home.

Sequence Of Tenses


Correct mistakes in these sentences.

1. Abigail went into the furniture store and buys a mahogany chest for her bedroom.
2. After Sally chose the puppy, she takes it home in a doll’s baby buggy.
3. Tricia’s new lipstick lasts for nine hours, but it smelled and tasted like turpentine.
4. Regina never feels satisfied with what she does and wanted a better life for herself.
5. When Manny was in college, he wins his first orchid contest.
6. Luella will decide to drink bottled water after she tasted the tap water here.
7. After Maureen writes in her diary, she hid it in the secret drawer of her roll-top desk.
8. When Vicky retired, she starts belly-dancing lessons.
9. Brad can never remember telephone messages, but he had memorized hundreds of sports statistics.
10. Marlon’s lawn mower does not start on cold days unless he put it in a sunny spot for at least half an hour.

Answers :

1. bought 3. lasted 5. won 7. wrote 9. has
2. took 4. wants 6. tastes 8. started 10. puts

Here are the corrected sentences for the exercise:

1- Abigail went into the furniture store and bought a mahogany chest for her bedroom.
2- After Sally chose the puppy, she took it home in a doll’s baby buggy.
3- Tricia’s new lipstick lasted for nine hours, but it smelled and tasted like turpentine.
4- Regina never feels satisfied with what she does and wants a better life for herself.
5- When Manny was in college, he won his first orchid contest.
6- Luella decided to drink bottled water after she tasted the tap water here.
7- After Maureen wrote in her diary, she hid it in the secret drawer of her roll-top desk.
8- When Vicky retired, she started belly-dancing lessons.
9- Brad can never remember telephone messages, but he has memorized hundreds of sports statistics.
10- Marlon’s lawn mower does not start on cold days unless he puts it in a sunny spot for at least half an hour.

Sequence Of Tenses


Most of the following sentences contain one mistake. Write True (T) or False (F). Correct mistakes.

1. When I asked Joan about her work she said she had lost her job and is short of money.
2. Michael explained that he couldn’t come to the party because he was working that evening.
3. We had a great evening with Janet. She is telling about her fascinating trip to Kenya.
4. I’m sorry to bother you, but you did say to call if I was worried.
5. We were disappointed when the receptionist told that the hotel was fully booked that week.
6. The museum guard asked the visitors to not touch the exhibits.
7. The tour guide explained that the castle is only open on Tuesdays.
8. I thought that he is coming home.
9. A research scientist at State University reported that he finds a blood test to diagnose cancer.
10. When she told us that everything was ready, we went into the dining room and seated ourselves.
11 .They asked him if he will help us.
12. Professor Baker told his class that there 10,000 species of ferns.
13. They asked me what did happen last night, but I was unable to tell them.
14. I do not know where he could have gone so early in the morning.

Answers :

1. F,… she had lost her job and was short of money. 8. F, … that he was coming home.
2. ? 9. F, … that he found a blood test…
3. F, She was telling us about her fascinating trip 10. T
4. T ferns. 11. F, … if he would help us.
5. F, … the receptionist told us that the 12. F, … that there are 10 000 species of ferns.
6. F, …visitors not to touch the exhibits. 13.F, … what happened the previous night
7. T 14.T

Here are the corrected sentences and answers :

1- False, she had lost her job and was short of money.
1- True.
3- False, She was telling us about her fascinating trip.
4- True.
5- False, the receptionist told us that the hotel was fully booked that week.
6- False, the museum guard asked the visitors not to touch the exhibits.
7- True.
8- False, that he was coming home.
9- False, that he found a blood test to diagnose cancer.
10- True.
11- False, if he would help us.
12- False, that there are 10,000 species of ferns.
13- False, what happened the previous night.
14- True.

Sequence Of Tenses


Change the sentences using reported speech.

1. Where are you going?-asked Tom.
2. Where are you going to spend the holiday?- asked Mike.
3. What will you do when you leave school? -said Jenifer.
4. How did you know my name?- he nurse asked the doctor.
5. Do you have an appointment?- said the clerk.
6. Have you seen my car keys?- said Bernard to his wife.
7. Why didn’t Isabel call me?- asked her brother.
8. Will you carry my briefcase for me please, James?-said Richard.
9. When can I see the doctor?-Charles asked the receptionist.

Answers :

1. Tom asked (me) where I was going.
2. Mike asked (me) where I was going to spend the holiday.
3. Jennifer asked (me) what I would do when I left school.
4. The nurse wanted to know how the doctor had known her name.
5. The clerk asked (me) whether/if I had an appointment.
6. Bernard wondered whether/if his wife had seen his car keys.
7. Isabel’s brother wanted to know why she hadn’t called him.
8. Richard asked James to carry his briefcase.
9. Charles asked the receptionist when he could see the doctor.

Sequence Of Tenses


Sequence of Tenses Test (20 Multiple Choice Questions with Answers and Explanations)

Test your knowledge on sequence of tenses with this multiple choice test containing 20 questions and answers. Each question comes with a detailed explanation to help you understand the correct use of tenses. Perfect for ESL learners or anyone looking to improve their grammar skills.

1- Which sentence demonstrates correct sequence of tenses?

A) If I would have known, I would have helped.
B) If I knew, I would help.
C) If I know, I will help.
D) If I had known, I would have helped.

Answer : D
Explanation: The sentence uses the past perfect (had known) to show that the action (helping) did not happen in the past.

2- Choose the sentence that demonstrates incorrect sequence of tenses:

A) He will be upset if you don’t call him.
B) She told me that she was feeling sick yesterday.
C) If you go to the store, I will go with you.
D) I am glad that I have finished my homework.

Answer : D
Explanation: The sentence uses the present perfect (have finished) when it should use the past simple (finished) to match the tense of the verb “am glad” (present simple).

3- Which sentence demonstrates correct sequence of tenses?

A) If I would have more time, I would go to the gym.
B) If I have more time, I will go to the gym.
C) If I had more time, I would go to the gym.
D) If I will have more time, I will go to the gym.

Answer : C
Explanation: The sentence uses the past tense (had) to show that the condition (more time) is not currently true and matches the tense of the verb “would go” (past simple).

4- Choose the sentence that demonstrates incorrect sequence of tenses:

A) I will call you as soon as I finish work.
B) If I knew how to swim, I would go to the beach.
C) She said that she is going to the party.
D) He told me that he had already seen the movie.

Answer : C
Explanation: The sentence uses the present tense (is going) when it should use the past tense (was going) to match the tense of the verb “said” (past simple).

5- Which sentence demonstrates correct sequence of tenses?

A) If I have a headache, I take aspirin.
B) If I had a headache, I would take aspirin.
C) If I will have a headache, I will take aspirin.
D) If I have had a headache, I took aspirin.

Answer : B
Explanation: The sentence uses the past tense (had) to show a hypothetical situation and matches the tense of the verb “would take” (past simple).

6- Choose the sentence that demonstrates incorrect sequence of tenses:

A) He is happy that he has passed his driving test.
B) If she will call me, I will tell her the news.
C) She wished that she had studied more for the exam.
D) He told me that he is going to the gym later.

Answer : B
Explanation: The sentence uses the future tense (will call) when it should use the present tense (calls) to match the tense of the verb “told” (past simple).

7- Which sentence demonstrates correct sequence of tenses?

A) If I will see him, I will give him your message.
B) If I see him, I will give him your message.
C) If I had seen him, I would have given him your message.
D) If I saw him, I would have given him your message.

Answer : B
Explanation: The sentence uses the present tense (see) to describe a possible future situation and matches the tense of the verb “will give” (future simple).

8- Choose the sentence that demonstrates incorrect sequence of tenses:

A) He said that he would call me back later.
B) If I had known, I would have helped you.
C) I wish I could speak French fluently.
D) She told me that she will visit me next week.

Answer : D
Explanation: The sentence uses the future tense (will visit) when it should use the past tense (would visit) to match the reported speech in the past.

9- Which sentence demonstrates correct sequence of tenses?

A) If it will rain tomorrow, I will stay inside.
B) If it rains tomorrow, I will stay inside.
C) If it rained tomorrow, I would stay inside.
D) If it has rained tomorrow, I would stay inside.

Answer : B
Explanation: The sentence uses the present tense (rains) to describe a possible future situation and matches the tense of the verb “will stay” (future simple).

10- Choose the sentence that demonstrates incorrect sequence of tenses:

A) She was upset that he had forgotten her birthday.
B) If he would have asked me, I would have said yes.
C) He told me that he was going to the concert.
D) I wish that I had taken more photos on vacation.

Answer : B
Explanation: The sentence uses the past perfect (would have asked) when it should use the past simple (had asked) to match the tense of the verb “would have said” (past simple).

11- Which sentence demonstrates correct sequence of tenses?

A) If I would have known, I would have come earlier.
B) If I knew, I would come earlier.
C) If I know, I will come earlier.
D) If I had known, I would come earlier.

Answer : D
Explanation: The sentence uses the past tense (had known) to show that the action (coming earlier) did not happen in the past.

12- Choose the sentence that demonstrates incorrect sequence of tenses:

A) I am afraid that I will miss my flight.
B) If he had studied harder, he would have passed the exam.
C) She told me that she is going to the beach tomorrow.
D) If it snows tonight, we will stay home.

Answer : C
Explanation: The sentence uses the present tense (is going) when it should use the past tense (was going) to match the tense of the verb “told” (past simple).

13- Which sentence demonstrates correct sequence of tenses?

A) If I have time, I will call you later.
B) If I had time, I would call you later.
C) If I have had time, I called you later.
D) If I will have time, I will call you later.

Answer : A
Explanation: The sentence uses the present tense (have) to describe a possible future situation and matches the tense of the verb “will call” (future simple).

14- Choose the sentence that demonstrates incorrect sequence of tenses:

A) He said that he will be here at 6pm.
B) If I had known about the traffic, I would have left earlier.
C) She wishes that she could speak Spanish fluently.
D) If it rains tomorrow, I will take my umbrella.

Answer : A
Explanation: The sentence uses the future tense (will be) when it should use the past tense (would be) to match the tense of the verb “said” (past simple).

15- Which sentence demonstrates correct sequence of tenses?

A) If I will see him, I will let him know.
B) If I see him, I will let him know.
C) If I had seen him, I would let him know.
D) If I saw him, I would let him know.

Answer : B
Explanation: The sentence uses the present tense (see) to describe a possible future situation and matches the tense of the verb “will let” (future simple).

16- Choose the sentence that demonstrates incorrect sequence of tenses:

A) She was happy that she had passed the exam.
B) If it snows tonight, I will go skiing tomorrow.
C) He wishes that he could play the guitar.
D) If I knew his phone number, I would call him.

Answer : B
Explanation: The sentence uses the present tense (snows) when it should use the past tense (snowed) to match the hypothetical condition in the past.

17- Which sentence demonstrates correct sequence of tenses?

A) If I had a car, I will visit you more often.
B) If I have a car, I will visit you more often.
C) If I will have a car, I will visit you more often.
D) If I had had a car, I would have visited you more often.

Answer : D
Explanation: The sentence uses the past perfect (had had) to show that the action (visiting more often) did not happen in the past.

18- Choose the sentence that demonstrates incorrect sequence of tenses:

A) If he arrives late, we will have to start without him.
B) She told me that she had been to Paris before.
C) If I see him, I will ask him for his phone number.
D) I wish that I could have gone to the concert last night.

Answer : D
Explanation: The sentence uses the past perfect (could have gone) when it should use the past simple (had gone) to match the hypothetical condition in the past.

19- Which sentence demonstrates correct sequence of tenses?

A) If I would have studied harder, I would have passed the exam.
B) If I had studied harder, I would have passed the exam.
C) If I studied harder, I would have passed the exam.
D) If I will study harder, I will pass the exam.

Answer : B
Explanation: The sentence uses the past tense (had studied) to show that the action (passing the exam) did not happen in the past.

20- Choose the sentence that demonstrates incorrect sequence of tenses:

A) If it was sunny today, we would have gone to the beach.
B) He told me that he was going to buy a new car.
C) If she comes to the party, she will meet my friends.
D) I wish that I had studied harder for the exam.

Answer : A
Explanation: The sentence uses the past tense (was) when it should use the past perfect (had been) to match the hypothetical condition in the past.

Sequence of Tenses Test

Test your knowledge on sequence of tenses with this multiple choice test. 20 questions with answers and explanations to help you understand the correct use of tenses. Perfect for ESL learners!