
Vocabulary Exercise -12

Write the letter of the choice that is most nearly the same in meaning as the word


#1. to exaggerate

#2. a frustration

#3. to coincide

#4. to analyze

#5. to demonstrate

#6. to anticipate

#7. to represent

#8. to aggravate

#9. a category

#10. a triumph

#11. to utilize

#12. distinct

#13. the frequency



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Vocabulary Exercise -12

Vocabulary Exercise -12

l) Write the letter of the choice that is most nearly the same in meaning as the word

1. to exaggerate

A) leave

B) overstate

C) worsen

D) ignore

Answer : overstate

2. to aggravate

A) get together

B) worsen

C) win

D) expect

Answer : worsen

3. to demonstrate

A) sell

B) give

C) harm

D) show

Answer : show

4. to analyze

A) study

B) use

C) show

D) entertain

Answer : study

5. a category

A) kindness

B) horror

C) type

D) assortment

Answer : type

6. distinct

A) clear

B) far

C) helpful

D) loud

Answer : clear

7. to represent

A) give

B) expect

C) answer

D) be a symbol for

Answer : be a symbol for

8. a frustration

A) wish

B) disappointment

C) decrease

D) charity

Answer : disappointment

9. to coincide

A) pay

B) overstate

C) get in the way

D) happen together

Answer : happen together

10. to anticipate

A) battle

B) worsen

C) expect

D) free

Answer : expect

11. the frequency

A) power

B) visit

C) victory

D) oftenness

Answer : oftenness

12. to utilize

A) study

B) overstate

C) make use of

D) be a symbol for

Answer : make use of

13. a triumph

A) effort

B) success

C) battle

D) loss

Answer : success

Vocabulary Exercise -12