
Articles Exercise-4

Supply the article the if it is necessary.

#1. — English Channel

#2. — Bahamas

#3. — Philippines

#4. — Sahara

#5. — Dublin

#6. — Panama Canal

#7. — Antarctic Continent

#8. — New Zealand

#9. — Crimea

#10. — Lenin Peak

#11. — North Pole

#12. — Kalahari Desert

#13. — Asia

#14. ... Andes

#15. — Urals

#16. — Central America

#17. — Ladoga

#18. — Sakhalin

#19. — Hague

#20. — Caucasus

#21. — Hudson Bay

#22. — Bay of Bengal

#23. — Netherlands

#24. — Belgium

#25. — Everest

#26. — Hawaiian Isles

#27. — Gibraltar

#28. — Antiles

#29. — Corsica

#30. — Pacific Ocean

#31. — Baikal

#32. — Arctic Ocean

#33. — Maldives

#34. — Persian Gulf

#35. — Havana

#36. — Great Bear Lake



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Articles Exercise-4 Supply the article the if it is necessary.

Articles Exercise-4

Supply the article the if it is necessary.

1. — Andes 13.— Antarctic Continent 25.— Antiles
2. — Arctic Ocean 14.— Asia 26.— Bahamas
3. — Baikal 15.— Belgium 27.— Bay of Bengal
4. — Caucasus 16.— Central America 28.— Corsica
5. — Crimea 17.— Dublin 29.— English Channel
6. — Everest 18.— Gibraltar 30.— Great Bear Lake
7. — Hague 19.— Havana 31.— Hawaiian Isles
8. — Hudson Bay 20.— Kalahari Desert 32.— Ladoga
9. — Lenin Peak 21.— Maldives 33.— New Zealand
10.— Netherlands 22.— North Pole 34.— Pacific Ocean
11.— Panama Canal 23.— Persian Gulf 35.— Philippines
12.— Sahara 24.— Sakhalin 36.— Urals

1. the 2. the 3. – 4. the 5. the 6. – 7. the 8. the 9. –
10. the 11. the 12. the 13. – 14. – 15 – 16 – 17. – 18. the
19 – 20. the 21. the 22. the 23. the 24 – 25. the 26. the 27. the
28 – 29. the 30 – 31. the 32. – 33. – 34. the 35. the 36. the

Articles Exercise-4