
Prepositions Exercise-15

Choose the most suitable preposition to fill the blank.

#1. I never spoke French ......... living in France.

#2. I’m calling you ......... Mr Brown. I represent him.

#3. It’s your fault! ......... you, I’d have been on time.

#4. I’d like to speak to you ......... your work.

#5. I prefer Jaguar cars ......... BMW cars.

#6. ......... your illness, we will wait for a week.

#7. It’s a TV show ......... CNN. Same style, similar content.

#8. Is there a doctor ......... this plane?

#9. I’d like chicken please, ......... vegetables.

#10. My car is ......... your car. About two cars away.



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Prepositions Exercises

One word prepositions

Prepositions Exercise-15

Choose the most suitable preposition to fill the blank.

I never spoke French ……… living in France.

a) in front of
b) prior to
c) depending on

Answer : b) prior to

I prefer Jaguar cars ……… BMW cars.

a) out of
b) in case of
c) vis-à-vis

Answer : c) vis-à-vis

I’d like chicken please, ……… vegetables.

a) because of
b) on behalf of
c) together with

Answer : c) together with

I’d like to speak to you ……… your work.

a) up against
b) in front of
c) with regard to

Answer : c) with regard to

I’m calling you ……… Mr Brown. I represent him.

a) on behalf of
b) contrary to
c) in between

Answer : a) on behalf of

……… your illness, we will wait for a week.

a) In lieu of
b) In view of
c) Next to

Answer : b) In view of

Is there a doctor ……… this plane?

a) on board
b) on top of
c) but for

Answer : a) on board

It’s a TV show ……… CNN. Same style, similar content.

a) up to
b) à la
c) save for

Answer : b) à la

It’s your fault! ……… you, I’d have been on time.

a) But for
b) As to
c) In favour of

Answer : a) But for

My car is ……… your car. About two cars away.

a) on behalf of
b) close to
c) up until

Answer : b) close to

One word prepositions

Prepositions Exercises -15

Prepositions Exercises

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