
Prepositions Exercise-6

Choose the most suitable preposition to fill the blank.

#1. It’s 20 December. We are very ......... Christmas Day.

#2. It fell ......... the table and broke.

#3. Is this the train ......... Cambridge?

#4. Mr Brown has worked in a bank ......... 1985.

#5. Jack and Jill ran ......... the hill.

#6. It is raining ......... the whole country.

#7. It was dark ......... the tunnel.

#8. Is there water ......... the Moon?

#9. It’s not ......... my power to help you.

#10. It took ......... an hour to do my homework.



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Prepositions Exercise-6

Prepositions Exercise-6

Prepositions Exercise-6

Choose the most suitable preposition to fill the blank.

Is this the train ………. Cambridge?

a) over
b) for
c) astride

Answer : b) for

Is there water ………. the Moon?

a) on
b) with
c) up

Answer : a) on

It fell ………. the table and broke.

a) of
b) off
c) like

Answer : b) off

It is raining ………. the whole country.

a) throughout
b) till
c) via

Answer : a) throughout

It took ………. an hour to do my homework.

a) except
b) on
c) over

Answer : c) over

It was dark ………. the tunnel.

a) than
b) inside
c) on

Answer : b) inside

It’s 20 December. We are very ………. Christmas Day.

a) past
b) near
c) about

Answer : b) near

It’s not ………. my power to help you.

a) within
b) except
c) with

Answer : a) within

Jack and Jill ran ………. the hill.

a) like
b) with
c) up

Answer : c) up

Mr Brown has worked in a bank ………. 1985.

a) alongside
b) beside
c) since

Answer : c) since

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