Adjectives And Adverbsgrammar

Adjectives And Adverbs Exercise-1

Define whether sentences are TRUE (T) or FALSE (F). Correct mistakes.

#1. The child ran fastly to get to school.


#2. He was bright and attractive.

#3. Although he plays soccer well, he plays tennis bad.

f, badly

#4. He wrote his paper really good.


#5. We did not pass the test, but we certainly tried hard.

#6. There was a hasty called meeting to discuss the bus strike.

F, hastily

#7. They had a real good chance of winning the national competition.

F, really

#8. When Ms. Smith went to Germany, she bought an exquisitely carved vase.

#9. I read an interestingly written report.

#10. Computers process data efficiently.

#11. You cannot possibly imagine how embarrassed I was yesterday.

#12. We worked hard and saved enough money to take a trip.

#13. The bus arrived lately, so I missed my first class.


#14. The time went by very fastly on our vacation.


#15. She likes her students to arrive prompt for class.

F, promptly

#16. The careful organized tour of the city was a huge success.

F, carefully

#17. We studied really hard for the test.

#18. He was thorough interested in the subject.

F, thoroughly



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Adjectives And Adverbs Exercise-1

Adjectives And Adverbs Exercise-1

Adjectives And Adverbs Exercise-1

Define whether sentences are TRUE (T) or FALSE (F).
Correct mistakes.

1. The bus arrived lately, so I missed my first class.
2. We did not pass the test, but we certainly tried hard.
3. The train left at exactly 5:00 P.M.
4. When Ms. Smith went to Germany, she bought an exquisitely carved vase.
5. They had a real good chance of winning the national competition.
6. Computers process data efficiently.
7. We worked hard and saved enough money to take a trip.
8. There was a hasty called meeting to discuss the bus strike.
9. He was thorough interested in the subject.
10.That dress fits her perfectly.
11 .She likes her students to arrive prompt for class.
12. We studied really hard for the test.
13. He was bright and attractive.
14.The child ran fastly to get to school.
15. He wrote his paper really good.
16.The careful organized tour of the city was a huge success.
17.You cannot possibly imagine how embarrassed I was yesterday.
18. Although he plays soccer well, he plays tennis bad.
19. I read an interestingly written report.
20. The time went by very fastly on our vacation.
1. F,late 8. F, hastily 15.F,well
2. T 9. F, thoroughly 16. F, carefully
3. ? 10.? 17.T
4. T 11.F, promptly 18.f, badly
5. F, really 12.T 19.T
6. T 13.T 20.F,fast
7. T 14.F,fast

Exercise -6

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