Adjectives And Adverbsgrammar

Adjectives And Adverbs Exercise-3

Adjectives And Adverbs Exercise-3

Decide whether to use an adjective or an adverb in each of the following sentences.

#1. That old computer runs so (slow/slowly).

#2. Paul scored the test (accurate/accurately).

#3. The car moves (quick/quickly).

#4. My new car runs so (smooth/smoothly).

#5. The ground was (firm/firmly) after the night's frost.

#6. The endocrine system functions in (close/closely) relationship with the nervous system.

#7. Opera singer Maria Callas was known for her (intense/intensely) powerful voice.

#8. The color of my house is (bright/brightly) yellow.

#9. After going to the dance, Mary was (real/really) tired.

#10. Mushrooms are found in an (incredible/incredibly) range of sizes, colors and shapes.

#11. Martha performed (good/well) on the exam.

#12. The winner of the contest is certainly (beautiful/beautifully).

#13. Skyscrapers developed (simultaneous/simultaneously) in Chicago and New York City.

#14. That meal was (delicious/deliciously).

#15. Floods cause millions of dollars worth of property damage (annual/annually).

#16. Writer Ernest Hemingway is known for his (simple/simply) language and his lively dialogue.



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Adjectives And Adverbs Exercise-3, Decide whether to use an adjective or an adverb in each of the following sentences.

Decide whether to use an adjective or an adverb in each of the following sentences.

1. Martha performed (good/well) on the exam.
2. The car moves (quick/quickly).
3. The ground was (firm/firmly) after the night’s frost.
4. Paul scored the test (accurate/accurately).
5. The winner of the contest is certainly (beautiful/beautifully).
6. My new car runs so (smooth/smoothly).
7. The color of my house is (bright/brightly) yellow.
8. That old computer runs so (slow/slowly).
9. After going to the dance, Mary was (real/really) tired.
10.That meal was (delicious/deliciously).
11. Floods cause millions of dollars worth of property damage (annual/annually).
12. Writer Ernest Hemingway is known for his (simple/simply) language and his lively dialogue.
13. Skyscrapers developed (simultaneous/simultaneously) in Chicago and New York City.
14. The endocrine system functions in (close/closely) relationship with the nervous system.
15. Mushrooms are found in an (incredible/incredibly) range of sizes, colors and shapes.
16. Opera singer Maria Callas was known for her (intense/intensely) powerful voice.
1. well 7. bright 13. simultaneously
2. quickly 8. slowly 14. close
3. firm 9. really 15.incredible
4. accurately 10.delicious 16.intense
5. beautiful 11. annually
6. smoothly 12. simple


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