Adjectives And Adverbsgrammar

Adjectives And Adverbs Exercise-4

Define whether the sentences below are TRUE (T) or FALSE (F). Correct mistakes.


#1. Jefferson did good in the state-wide art contest held last spring.

F, well

#2. My mother was very ill last year, but she’s good enough to go on holiday now.

F, well enough

#3. In spite of the fact that Jean always says she’s short of money, I happen to know she actually has a very good-paid job.

F, well-paid

#4. This fall’s television shows are surely interesting.

#5. I ran bad in my first race, but in the second race I did much better.

F, badly

#6. A barracudas’ teeth are awful large and knife like.

F, awfully

#7. The reason Bruce gets so tired is that he has an exceptional demanding job.

F, exceptionally

#8. David ran as fast as he could but he still arrived late.

#9. I believe she is a very lonely woman.

#10. “Please get a move on!” shouted Trevor impatient.

F, impatiently

#11. I didn’t like his plan, which seemed unnecessary complicated to me.

F, unnecessarily

#12. Soraya’s only been in France a year, but she speaks perfectly French.

F, perfect English

#13. I have an awful headache, so could you please be quiet.

#14. The ginger ice cream tasted good.

#15. Daphne scored perfect on the mathematics section of her college entrance examination.

F, perfectly

#16. I’m sure you could win the match if you tried hardly.

F, hard



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Adjectives And Adverbs Exercise-4

Adjectives And Adverbs Exercise-4

Adjectives And Adverbs Exercise-4

Define whether the sentences below are TRUE (T) or FALSE (F). Correct mistakes.

1. “Please get a move on!” shouted Trevor impatient.
2. I believe she is a very lonely woman.
3. I didn’t like his plan, which seemed unnecessary complicated to me.
4. I’m sure you could win the match if you tried hardly.
5. I have an awful headache, so could you please be quiet.
6. Soraya’s only been in France a year, but she speaks perfectly French.
7. The reason Bruce gets so tired is that he has an exceptional demanding job.
8. My mother was very ill last year, but she’s good enough to go on holiday now.
9. David ran as fast as he could but he still arrived late.
10. In spite of the fact that Jean always says she’s short of money, I happen to know she actually has a very good-paid job.
11. A barracudas’ teeth are awful large and knife like.
12. This fall’s television shows are surely interesting.
13. Jefferson did good in the state-wide art contest held last spring.
14. I ran bad in my first race, but in the second race I did much better.
15. The ginger ice cream tasted good.
16. Daphne scored perfect on the mathematics section of her college entrance examination.
1. F, impatiently 6. F, perfect English 11. F, awfully
2. T 7. F, exceptionally 12. T
3. F, unnecessarily 8. F, well enough 13. F, well
4. F, hard 9. T 14. F, badly
5. T 10. F, well-paid 15. T
16. F, perfectly

Adjectives and Adverbs


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