
Modals Quiz 14

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Modals Quiz 14


#1. You knew that we had to walk a long way today, so you really ————— those high heeled shoes. You only have yourself to blame for your aching feet.

Answer : c) shouldn’t have worn

#2. They ————— their house yet. They only put it up for sale yesterday.

Answer : e) can’t have sold

#3. When it was completed, the Eiffel Tower ————— the tallest building in the world, but now there are many others which are taller than the Eiffel Tower.

Answer : d) was

#4. A: I wish I hadn’t criticised Mark’s drawings yesterday because he hasn’t spoken to me today. Do you think he’ll come to my party on Friday? B: Possibly, he ————— you by then.

Answer : c) might have forgiven

#5. Apparently, the man across the road ————— his car after all because he took down the for-sale sign a week ago and he is still driving to work.

Answer : e) is keeping

#6. A: Are you going to enroll on the second course when we finish this one? B: I don’t know. It’s tliurtf coming every day after work. I————— a month before I start the second course.

Answer : a) may wait

#7. He ————— handball quite often, but his new job requires him to travel a lot now. so he doesn’t have time any more.

Answer : e) used to play

#8. I————— my car last week if I had accepted James’ offer. He offered me two thousand dollars for it, but I wanted more.

Answer : b) could have sold

#9. You ————— this report to the managing director personally. Do you understand?

Answer : d) are to hand

#10. Oh dear, my fruit cake is a little too sweet. I ————— the amount of sugar I add to the mixture next time.

Answer : c) will have to reduce

#11. When I lived in England, I ————— Indian food several times a month, but here in Istanbul it’s virtually impossible to find.

Answer : b) would eat

#12. Amy Johnson, the first woman pilot who ————— from England to Australia, ————— several times during her flight to fill her plane with petrol.

Answer : e) flew/had to stop

#13. ————— lending me , liras so that I don’t have to give the Dolmus driver a million lira note?

Answer : c) Would you mind

#14. The weather is awful again today. Let’s look in the newspaper. There ————— a good film showing at the cinema.

Answer : d) might be

#15. You ————— anything to me. If you want to spend virtually your entire wages on lottery tickets, then that’s up to you.

Answer : b) don’t have to explain

#16. A: I couldn’t persuade John to come to the match with us. He said he couldn’t afford it. B: You ————— to lend him the money. A: I did, but he said he ————— borrow any money at the moment.

Answer : b) could have offered/would rather not

#17. A: I didn’t think Paul and Sam were coming to the picnic. B: They ————— their minds. A: Well, it’s nice to see them again.

Answer : c) must have changed

#18. A: What’s happened to Mr Meyer? B: He is ill in hospital. They ————— keep him in overnight, and if they do, he ————— travel back to Germany tomorrow morning.

Answer : a) may/won’t be able to

#19. A: This student has circled the mistakes in the text, but he hasn’t corrected them, so he’ll only get half marks. B: He ————— the instructions properly.

Answer : e) must not have read

#20. Why did yon bother so much trying to change your money? You ————— it, you know, as they accept US dollars in Mexico.

Answer : d) needn’t have changed



Modals Quiz 14

Modals Quiz 14

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Modals Quiz 14

Modals Quiz 14


I believe you ————— this computer programme in your previous job, so you ————— it difficult at times. Please don’t hesitate to ask me for help.

a) didn’t use/might find
b) haven’t used/must find
c) couldn’t use/have found
d) may not use/will find
e) hadn’t used/can find

Answer : a) didn’t use/might find

Apparently, the man across the road ————— his car after all because he took down the for-sale sign a week ago and he is still driving to work.

a) used to keep
b) had better keep
c) was keeping
d) was able to keep
e) is keeping

Answer : e) is keeping

A: Hopefully, Peter booked the tickets for us yesterday.
B: He ————— them yesterday. The booking office is closed on Saturdays.
A: Oh well, I’m sure he’ll order them tomorrow then.

a) had better not book
b) hasn’t booked
c) couldn’t have booked
d) needn’t have booked
e) wasn’t supposed to book

Answer : c) couldn’t have booked

A: I didn’t think Paul and Sam were coming to the picnic.
B: They ————— their minds.
A: Well, it’s nice to see them again.

a) would rather change
b) used to change
c) must have changed
d) should have changed
e) had better change

Answer : c) must have changed

I’m glad that I ————— hard to persuade my parents because they were already keen on the idea.

a) ought not to try
b) didn’t need to try
c) needn’t have tried
d) mustn’t try
e) wasn’t able to try

Answer : b) didn’t need to try

When it was completed, the Eiffel Tower ————— the tallest building in the world, but now there are many others which are taller than the Eiffel Tower.

a) would be
b) must be
c) used to be
d) was
e) has been

Answer : d) was

Cats are very alert to any movement. For this reason they will pounce when a victim ————— but ————— prey that remains still.

a) can move/couldn’t attack
b) is moving/shouldn’t attack
c) has moved/aren’t attacking
d) moved/don’t attack
e) moves/may not attack

Answer : e) moves/may not attack

When I lived in England, I ————— Indian food several times a month, but here in Istanbul it’s virtually impossible to find.

a) shall eat
b) would eat
c) ought to eat
d) have eaten
e) had eaten

Answer : b) would eat

A: Mrs Parkinson ————— three accidents in the last month.
B: She ————— a very careful driver, then.
A: Couldn’t it have been just bad luck?

a) was having/can’t be
b) has/shouldn’t be
c) has had/must not be
d) is having/wasn’t
e) used to have/isn’t

Answer : c) has had/must not be

The weather is awful again today. Let’s look in the newspaper. There ————— a good film showing at the cinema.

a) can be
b) had to be
c) would rather be
d) might be
e) should have been

Answer : d) might be

Modals Quiz II
