Modals Quiz 14
Modals Quiz 14
#1. You knew that we had to walk a long way today, so you really ————— those high heeled shoes. You only have yourself to blame for your aching feet.
Answer : c) shouldn’t have worn
#2. They ————— their house yet. They only put it up for sale yesterday.
Answer : e) can’t have sold
#3. When it was completed, the Eiffel Tower ————— the tallest building in the world, but now there are many others which are taller than the Eiffel Tower.
Answer : d) was
#4. A: I wish I hadn’t criticised Mark’s drawings yesterday because he hasn’t spoken to me today. Do you think he’ll come to my party on Friday? B: Possibly, he ————— you by then.
Answer : c) might have forgiven
#5. Apparently, the man across the road ————— his car after all because he took down the for-sale sign a week ago and he is still driving to work.
Answer : e) is keeping
#6. A: Are you going to enroll on the second course when we finish this one? B: I don’t know. It’s tliurtf coming every day after work. I————— a month before I start the second course.
Answer : a) may wait
#7. He ————— handball quite often, but his new job requires him to travel a lot now. so he doesn’t have time any more.
Answer : e) used to play
#8. I————— my car last week if I had accepted James’ offer. He offered me two thousand dollars for it, but I wanted more.
Answer : b) could have sold
#9. You ————— this report to the managing director personally. Do you understand?
Answer : d) are to hand
#10. Oh dear, my fruit cake is a little too sweet. I ————— the amount of sugar I add to the mixture next time.
Answer : c) will have to reduce
#11. When I lived in England, I ————— Indian food several times a month, but here in Istanbul it’s virtually impossible to find.
Answer : b) would eat
#12. Amy Johnson, the first woman pilot who ————— from England to Australia, ————— several times during her flight to fill her plane with petrol.
Answer : e) flew/had to stop
#13. ————— lending me , liras so that I don’t have to give the Dolmus driver a million lira note?
Answer : c) Would you mind
#14. The weather is awful again today. Let’s look in the newspaper. There ————— a good film showing at the cinema.
Answer : d) might be
#15. You ————— anything to me. If you want to spend virtually your entire wages on lottery tickets, then that’s up to you.
Answer : b) don’t have to explain
#16. A: I couldn’t persuade John to come to the match with us. He said he couldn’t afford it. B: You ————— to lend him the money. A: I did, but he said he ————— borrow any money at the moment.
Answer : b) could have offered/would rather not
#17. A: I didn’t think Paul and Sam were coming to the picnic. B: They ————— their minds. A: Well, it’s nice to see them again.
Answer : c) must have changed
#18. A: What’s happened to Mr Meyer? B: He is ill in hospital. They ————— keep him in overnight, and if they do, he ————— travel back to Germany tomorrow morning.
Answer : a) may/won’t be able to
#19. A: This student has circled the mistakes in the text, but he hasn’t corrected them, so he’ll only get half marks. B: He ————— the instructions properly.
Answer : e) must not have read
#20. Why did yon bother so much trying to change your money? You ————— it, you know, as they accept US dollars in Mexico.
Answer : d) needn’t have changed
Modals Quiz 14
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