Modals Quiz 17
Modals Quiz 17
#1. I only had a brief chat with Mary at the bus stop, so I ————— to ask her how she ————— on in her new job.
Answer : b) forgot/was getting
#2. He ————— safety goggles, but he wasn’t land, as a result, the hot steel badly damaged his eyes.
Answer : e) ought to have been wearing
#3. Do you think he ————— to watch the match with us? I know he enjoys football.
Answer : e) would like
#4. Living cells exist in a variety of shapes; for example, they ————— cube-shaped or flat.
Answer : a) may be
#5. ————— lending me , liras so that I don’t have to give the Dolmus driver a million lira note?
Answer : c) Would you mind
#6. As a comedian he is no longer appreciated but ten years ago people ————— at his jokes.
Answer : a) used to laugh
#7. You ————— wear jeans or trainers at a formal gathering. It wouldn’t be right.
Answer : e) mustn’t
#8. When their baby was born, Lucy ————— up work until they found someone to look after the baby.
Answer : c) had to give
#9. You ————— anything to me. If you want to spend virtually your entire wages on lottery tickets, then that’s up to you.
Answer : b) don’t have to explain
#10. You ————— all your holiday money on the first day. You will need some for the rest of the week.
Answer : b) mustn’t spend
#11. Oh no, look at the sign! We ————— here. These spaces are for doctors and emergency patients only.
Answer : d) aren’t supposed to park
#12. I ————— travel by coach to Istanbul last week because the airline pilots were on strike.
Answer : c) had to
#13. A: Are you going to enroll on the second course when we finish this one? B: I don’t know. It’s tliurtf coming every day after work. I————— a month before I start the second course.
Answer : a) may wait
#14. Our father ————— a small present for me and my sister every month when he ————— his salary.
Answer : d) would buy/received
#15. A: This student has circled the mistakes in the text, but he hasn’t corrected them, so he’ll only get half marks. B: He ————— the instructions properly.
Answer : e) must not have read
#16. It’s not easy learning Turkish at home. Do you think I ————— an evening course?
#17. It is a long journey and there may not be any restaurants on the way. You ————— something before you leave.
Answer : c) had better eat
#18. ————— I get some plates while you are cutting the cake?
Answer : c) Shall
#19. A: I missed this week’s episode of ‘The Simpsons’. What happened? B: I don’t know. I don’t watch it any more. A: Why not? I thought you were a fan of the show like me. B: Yes. I ————— it three times a week, but now I go to German lessons every night.
Answer : a) used to watch
#20. A: I wish I hadn’t criticised Mark’s drawings yesterday because he hasn’t spoken to me today. Do you think he’ll come to my party on Friday? B: Possibly, he ————— you by then.
Answer : c) might have forgiven
Modals Quiz 17
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