GrammargrammartoeflTransformation Of Direct And Indirect Objects

Transformation Of Direct And Indirect Objects Exercise -1

Transformation Of Direct And Indirect Objects Exercise -1

Define whether the following sentences below are True or False


#1. He sent me a beautiful letter from Spain.


#2. My mother is making for Mary a new shirt.


is making Mary a new shirt.

#3. He taught to me everything he new.


taught me everything.


#4. Please pass the potatoes to me after you take some.


#5. The belt buckle cost over ten dollars to Bob.


cost Bob over 10 dollars.

#6. When she was abroad, Laura got several pairs of earrings for her mother.


#7. We returned the detective merchandise to the store immediately.


#8. I hope you will write to me long letters while you are away.


write me

#9. When do you think you can deliver them the package?


deliver the package to them

#10. That is the third time you have asked me the same question.




Transformation Of Direct And Inderect Objects Exercise -1

Transformation Of Direct And Inderect Objects Exercise -1

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Transformation Of Direct And Indirect Objects Exercise -1

Define whether the following sentences below are True (T) or False (F).

1. We returned the detective merchandise to the store immediately.
2. I hope you will write to me long letters while you are away.
3. When do you think you can deliver them the package?
4. That is the third time you have asked me the same question.
5. My mother is making for Mary a new shirt.
6. Please pass the potatoes to me after you take some.
7. The belt buckle cost over ten dollars to Bob.
8. He taught to me everything he new.
9. When she was abroad, Laura got several pairs of earrings for her mother.
10. He sent me a beautiful letter from Spain.


1. T 6. T
2. F, write me. 7. F, cost Bob over 10 dollars.
3. F, deliver the package to them. 8. F, taught me everything.
4. T 9. T
5. F, is making Mary a new shirt. 10.T

Corrected Answers:

1- T

2- F, write long letters to me.

3- F, When do you think you can deliver the package to them?

4- T

5- F, My mother is making a new shirt for Mary.

6- T

7- F, The belt buckle cost Bob over ten dollars.

8- F, He taught me everything he knew.

9- T

10- T


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