English idiomsgrammartoefl

English idioms Exercise -5

English idioms Exercise -5

Here are some idiomatic expressions which can make everyday English puzzling to foreigners. Each has one word missing. Choose from the three given below to complete the sentence.


#1. He is like a bear with a sore ———-

Answer : B ) head

#2. I am so hungry after my walk I could eat a ———-

Answer : C ) horse

#3. He is a ———- of all trades.

Answer : A ) jack

#4. He always keeps his ———- in an emergency.

Answer : A ) head

#5. I am sick and ———- of hearing the subject.

Answer : A ) tired

#6. His name was on the …….. of my tongue.

Answer : B ) tip



English idioms Exercise -5

Here are some idiomatic expressions which can make everyday English puzzling to foreigners. Each has one word missing. Choose from the three given below to complete the sentence.

English idioms Exercise -5

Here are some idiomatic expressions which can make everyday English puzzling to foreigners. Each has one word missing. Choose from the three given below to complete the sentence.

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English idioms Exercise -5

Here are some idiomatic expressions which can make everyday English puzzling to foreigners. Each has one word missing. Choose from the three given below to complete the sentence.

English idioms Exercise -5

Here are some idiomatic expressions which can make everyday English puzzling to foreigners. Each has one word missing. Choose from the three given below to complete the sentence.

1. He is like a bear with a sore ———-

A ) nose

B ) head

C ) tooth

Answer : B ) head

2. When he began to smile I knew he was pulling my ———-

A ) arm

B ) leg

C ) ear

Answer :

3. I am so hungry after my walk I could eat a ———-

A ) elephant

B ) house

C ) horse

Answer : C ) horse

4. He had to ———- up his Russian before he visited Moscow.

A ) sweep

B ) wash

C ) brush

Answer :

5. Last night I was so tired I slept like a ———-

A ) dog

B ) log

C ) table

Answer :

6. She has a ———- in her bonnet about young people.

A ) ribbon

B ) feather

C ) bee

Answer :

7. He is a ———- of all trades.

A ) jack

B ) workman

C ) artist

Answer : A ) jack

8. The horror film on late-night television made my flesh ———-

A ) jump

B ) crawl

C ) creep

Answer :

9. His name was on the …….. of my tongue.

A ) edge

B ) tip

C ) top

Answer : B ) tip

10. I am sick and ———- of hearing the subject.

A ) tired

B ) angry

C) sorry

Answer : A ) tired

11.He always calls a spade a ———-

A ) fork

B ) hoe

C ) spade

Answer :

12.He always keeps his ———- in an emergency.

A ) head

B ) feet

C ) shirt

Answer : A ) head

English idioms Exercise -5

1.B 2.? 3.C 4.? 5.? 6.?
7.A 8.? 9.B 10.A 11.? 12.A