English idioms Exercise -5
English idioms Exercise -5
Here are some idiomatic expressions which can make everyday English puzzling to foreigners. Each has one word missing. Choose from the three given below to complete the sentence.
#1. He is like a bear with a sore ———-
Answer : B ) head
#2. I am so hungry after my walk I could eat a ———-
Answer : C ) horse
#3. He is a ———- of all trades.
Answer : A ) jack
#4. He always keeps his ———- in an emergency.
Answer : A ) head
#5. I am sick and ———- of hearing the subject.
Answer : A ) tired
#6. His name was on the …….. of my tongue.
Answer : B ) tip
English idioms Exercise -5
Here are some idiomatic expressions which can make everyday English puzzling to foreigners. Each has one word missing. Choose from the three given below to complete the sentence.
English idioms Exercise -5
Here are some idiomatic expressions which can make everyday English puzzling to foreigners. Each has one word missing. Choose from the three given below to complete the sentence.
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Here are some idiomatic expressions which can make everyday English puzzling to foreigners. Each has one word missing. Choose from the three given below to complete the sentence.
English idioms Exercise -5Here are some idiomatic expressions which can make everyday English puzzling to foreigners. Each has one word missing. Choose from the three given below to complete the sentence.
English idioms Exercise -5 |
1.B | 2.? | 3.C | 4.? | 5.? | 6.? |
7.A | 8.? | 9.B | 10.A | 11.? | 12.A |