Adjectives And Adverbsgrammar

Adjectives And Adverbs Exercise-2

Decide whether the underlined words are right (R) or wrong (W). Correct those which are wrong.


#1. Jack has started his own business. Everything is going quite good.

W,  well

#2. Give my best wishes to your parents. I hope they are well.

#3. The company’s financial situation is not well at present.

W, good

#4. Don’t walk so fast. Can’t you walk more slowly?

#5. The children behaved themselves very good.

W, well

#6. See you soon! Don’t work too hard.

#7. I tried hardly to remember his name but I couldn’t.




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Adjectives And Adverbs Exercise-2, Decide whether the underlined words are right (R) or wrong (W). Correct those which are wrong.

Adjectives And Adverbs Exercise-2

Decide whether the underlined words are right (R) or wrong (W). Correct those which are wrong.

1. Give my best wishes to your parents. I hope they are well.
2. The children behaved themselves very good.
3. I tried hardly to remember his name but I couldn’t.
4. The company’s financial situation is not well at present.
5. Jack has started his own business. Everything is going quite good.
6. Don’t walk so fast. Can’t you walk more slowly?
7. See you soon! Don’t work too hard.
1. Right 3. W.hard 5. W, well 7. Right
2. W,well 4. W,good 6. Right


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