Modals Quiz 11
Modals Quiz 11
#1. It is a long journey and there may not be any restaurants on the way. You ————— something before you leave.
Answer : c) had better eat
#2. A: Mrs Parkinson ————— three accidents in the last month. B: She ————— a very careful driver, then. A: Couldn’t it have been just bad luck?
Answer : c) has had/must not be
#3. You ————— wear jeans or trainers at a formal gathering. It wouldn’t be right.
Answer : e) mustn’t
#4. You knew that we had to walk a long way today, so you really ————— those high heeled shoes. You only have yourself to blame for your aching feet.
Answer : c) shouldn’t have worn
#5. ————— you take this screwdriver back to Mr Smith next door and thank him for lending it to us?
Answer : a) Will
#6. You ————— anything until after your operation. The nurses will tell you when it is all right.
Answer : d) mustn’t eat
#7. ————— I ask you a favour? ————— you work on Thursday night this week instead of Friday night?
Answer : c) May/Could
#8. Cats are very alert to any movement. For this reason they will pounce when a victim ————— but ————— prey that remains still.
Answer : e) moves/may not attack
#9. A: ————— we paint the kitchen this weekend? B: We could, but I ————— wait until the weather gets better because we’ll have to open the windows.
Answer : d) Shall/would sooner
#10. I’m glad that I ————— hard to persuade my parents because they were already keen on the idea.
Answer : b) didn’t need to try
#11. A: Hopefully, Peter booked the tickets for us yesterday. B: He ————— them yesterday. The booking office is closed on Saturdays. A: Oh well, I’m sure he’ll order them tomorrow then.
Answer : c) couldn’t have booked
#12. I————— my car last week if I had accepted James’ offer. He offered me two thousand dollars for it, but I wanted more.
Answer : b) could have sold
#13. As a comedian he is no longer appreciated but ten years ago people ————— at his jokes.
Answer : a) used to laugh
#14. ————— I get some plates while you are cutting the cake?
Answer : c) Shall
#15. I believe you ————— this computer programme in your previous job, so you ————— it difficult at times. Please don’t hesitate to ask me for help.
Answer : a) didn’t use/might find
#16. Isn’t it great that Tim and Sue have given up smoking? They both ————— too much.
Answer : a) used to smoke
#17. Why did yon bother so much trying to change your money? You ————— it, you know, as they accept US dollars in Mexico.
Answer : d) needn’t have changed
#18. I ————— travel by coach to Istanbul last week because the airline pilots were on strike.
Answer : c) had to
#19. He ————— handball quite often, but his new job requires him to travel a lot now. so he doesn’t have time any more.
Answer : e) used to play
#20. You ————— this report to the managing director personally. Do you understand?
Answer : d) are to hand
Modals Quiz 11
Modals Quiz 11 | ||||||||||
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