Expanding Your Vocabulary for Effective CommunicationA robust vocabulary is essential for effective communication in any language. It allows you to express your thoughts and ideas with precision, convey meaning accurately, and engage your audience. In this section, we will explore strategies for expanding your vocabulary and provide tips on how to build a strong and diverse word bank.
Conclusion: Expanding your vocabulary is an ongoing process that requires dedication and consistent effort. By implementing strategies such as reading widely, learning from context, creating vocabulary lists, making word associations, exploring word families, using a thesaurus, and engaging in language exchange, you can steadily enhance your vocabulary. Embrace opportunities to encounter new words and practice using them in your everyday communication. With a diverse and extensive vocabulary, you will be better equipped to articulate your thoughts, engage others effectively, and express yourself with confidence. |
Exercise -1
Choose the correct word.
1. Our holiday was spoiled by bad __ .A) weather B) whether Correct word : weather |
2. There are several big parks in London __ Hyde Park.A) beside B) besides Correct word : beside |
3. The information comes through secret __ .A) canal B) channels Correct word : channels |
4. We __ his excuse.A) accepted B) excepted Correct word : accepted |
5. It will go __ with the murderer if he is caught.A) hard B) hardly Correct word : hard |
6. Windsor __ on the Thames of London.A) lies B) lays Correct word : lies |
7. I have to __ you that our business with that company is very important to us.A) remember B) remind Correct word : remind |
8. The boys __ the old barn for use by the club.A) adapted B) adopted Correct word : adapted |
9. The captain ordered all the __ to be fired.A) canons B) cannons Correct word : cannons |
10.The mercury in the thermometer is __ to changes in temperature.A) sensitive B) senseble Correct word : sensitive |
11 .The disease __ his mind so that he could not remember what he had done.A) effected B) affected Correct word : affected |
12.The population of this town has been __ for ten years at about 5000 people.A) stationary B) stationery Correct word : stationary |
13. It isn’t very __ to leave the lights on when you’re not in the room.A) economic B) economical Correct word : economical |
14.Do you believe in the __ that all men are equal?A) principal B) principle Correct word : principle |
15.You are __ losing your things!A) continuously B) continually Correct word : continually |
16. The police are on the __ of the thieves.A) cent B) scent Correct word : scent |
17. Witnesses __ the policemen’s statement.A) collaborated B) corroborated Correct word : corroborated |
18. His blood __ the ground.A) dyed B) died Correct word : dyed |
19. A _ referee will judge a basketball game fairly.A) disinterested B) uninterested Correct word : disinterested |
20. He was only three years old when his family __ from Germany.A) immigrated B) emigrated Correct word : emigrated |
21. If you want to speak English fluently, you need more English __ .A) practice B) practise Correct word : practice |
22. I __ too much. I’m going to have a diet.A) weight B) weigh Correct word : weigh |
23. The police found a __ body in the river.A) dead B) died Correct word : dead |
24. I need your __ on this paper. Could you do it just now?A) signature B) sign Correct word : signature |
25. Let’s meet at seven o’clock. Will that time __ you?A) suitable B) suit Correct word : suit |
Define whether the following sentences are True or False Correct mistakes.
1. Do you think that its difficult to learn a foreign language? |
2. The modem art piece they chose was plain but bold. |
3. The principle fact I would like you to remember concerns the human personality. |
4. Are you quite sure you wish to spend that much for one chair? |
5. His wife was formerly married to the Spanish Ambassador. |
6. Her parents are quite old, but relatively healthful. |
7. The young actress was able to create the allusion.that she was middle-aged. |
8. From reading his letter, I inferred that he was having financial problems. |
9. He put his keys in his coat pocket so that he would not loose them. |
10.Can you let the student continue with this course if he makes up all missed work? |
11.Please leave him find out the truth by himself. |
12.I do not trust that man; he has absolutely no principles. |
13. I most fell off my seat laughing when I saw the clown chase the bull. |
14.I think my battery has a loose connection. |
15.Are you trying to infer that I should study more? |
1. F, it’s difficult | 6. F, healthy | 11. F,lethim |
2. T | 7. F, illusion | 12.T |
3. F, principal | 8. T | 13.F, almost fell off |
4. T | 9. F,lose | 14.T |
5. T | 10.T | 15. F, try ing to imply |
Exercise 3
Define whether the sentences are True or False Pay attention to word choice.
1. He has all ready spent next month’s allowance. |
2. Marry looked all day for clothes suitable to cover the worn pillows. |
3. Will John take his doctor’s advice? |
4. In a surprise vote the board excepted John from membership. |
5. Can you get everybody altogether for the meeting in ten minutes? |
6. Helen enjoys wearing the clothes she designs. |
7. The two political candidates certainly differed loudly from each other. |
8. One reason people will emigrate from their country is to escape political persecution. |
9. Did you look besides the sofa for your book? |
10. Do not try to drive further today. |
11. Will you accept my apologies? |
14. Why did so many people immigrate from Uruguay to go to Australia? |
13. I was surprised at the advise he gave me. |
14. Steve differs with his father in physical appearance. |
15. Let me give you some farther instructions. |
1. F, already | 6. T | 11.T |
2. F, cloth | 7. F, differed loudly with | 12.F, emigrate from |
3. T | 8. T | 13.F, advice |
4. T | 9. F, beside the sofa | 14.F, differs from |
5. F, all together | 10.F, farther | 15.F, further instruction |
Define whether the following sentences are True or False Correct mistakes.
1. The whether is usually nice in Hawaii all year round. |
2. They’re buying a home in the city next year. |
3. We met two of my father’s business associates at the dinner. |
4. Did you find out whose coming early? |
5. I love to browse in stationary stores. |
6. Bob thinks this material is too difficult for first-year students. |
7. The students left there books on the floor during the exam. |
8. The audience applauded respectively at the end of her speech. |
9. Do not send any of these booklets too people who did not put their complete address on the form. |
10. He parked his car on the street so that he would not have to pay for parking in the garage. |
1. F, weather | 5. F, stationery | 9. F, to people |
2. T | 6. T | 10.T |
3. T | 7. F, their books | |
4. F, who’s coming | 8. F, respectfully |
Exercise -5
Define whether the sentences are True or False Pay attention to the part of speech according to the suffix.
1. Bob hopes to beauty his home by painting and carpeting. |
2. Lawrence is a very happily man. |
3. Japan is a very populous nation. |
4. What do you think is the real of that situation? |
5. Her manner was friendly and natural. |
6. Dr. Smith’s capacity for hard work was incredible. |
7. I never questioned his accurately. |
8. Jane was surprised that he spoke so childish. |
9. That new medicine will not be readily available until next year. |
10. Does the book list the populous of that country in 1950? |
11. I was amazed at her natural beauty. |
12. His illness was chronically. |
13. He had an unhappy childlike. |
14. You should realize the truth. |
15. That country has a very large populate. |
1. F, to beautify | 6. T | 11.T |
2. F, happy | 7. F, accuracy | 12. F, chronic |
3. T | 8. F, childishly | 13. F, childhood |
4. F, the reality | 9. T | 14.T |
5. T | 10. F, the population | 15.F, population |
Exercise -6
1) Write the letter of the choice that is most nearly the same in meaning as the word on the left.1. a fictionA) falsehood B) fact C) books D) words Answer : falsehood |
2. a theoryA) research B) thought C) question D) explanation Answer : explanation |
3. to overwhelmA) climb B) overpower C) finish D) rebuild Answer : overpower |
4. securityA) courage B) danger C) protection D) happiness Answer : protection |
5. to determineA) go around B) find out C) delay D) work Answer : find out |
6. an emotionA) movement B) reason C) feeling D) goal Answer : feeling |
7. an impressionA) opinion B) result C) income D) example Answer : opinion |
8. to investigateA) examine B) hire C) accuse D) admire Answer : examine |
9. to convinceA) find guilty B) annoy C) join D) persuade Answer : persuade |
10. to preserveA) protect B) serve C) get ready D) destroy Answer : protect |
11. dramaticA) noisy B) hidden C) very noticeable D) very famous Answer : very noticeable |
12. economicalA) funny B) thrifty C) wastefu l D) simple Answer : thrifty |
13. a burdenA) sound B) package C) detail D) hardship Answer : detail |
2) Write the letter of the choice that is most nearly the opposite in meaning to the word on the left. |
14. thoroughA) blocked B) gentle C) famous D) careless Answer : gentle |
15. to bewilderA) confuse B) make clear to C) curse D) bless Answer : make clear to |
16. legibleA) not logical B) slow C) unclear D) brief Answer : unclear |
17. to comprehendA) misunderstand B) go alone C) be alike D) fail Answer : misunderstand |
18. frankA) dishonest B) unknown C) not reliable D) unfriendly Answer : dishonest |
19. earnestA) likable B) insincere C) unable to earn D) messy Answer : insincere |
20. to dispose ofA) keep B) throw away C) lose D) find Answer : |
21. to restoreA) remember B) destroy C) shop D) awaken Answer : remember |
22. evident A) rareB) hiddenC) wrongD) everywhere Answer : hidden |
23. extravagantA) indoors B) spending too much C) thrifty D) friendly Answer : thrifty |
24. inferiorA) outer B) courageous C) possible D) better Answer : better |
25. to deceiveA) build B) tell the truth to C) cheat D) go up Answer : tell the truth to |
Exercise 8
1) Write the letter of the choice that is most nearly the same in meaning as the word on the left.1. unanimousA) in full agreement B) not together C) unhappy D) pleased Answer : in full agreement |
2. to possessA) be lawful B) lose C) have D) disobey Answer : have |
3. to exhaustA) leave B) use up C) put out D) do Answer : use up |
4. a procedureA) method B) protection C) example D) reward Answer : method |
5. to assumeA) collect B) deny C) attend D) suppose Answer : suppose |
6. reliableA) well-known B) related C) trustworthy D) trusting Answer : trustworthy |
7. the stressA) location B) tension C) rule D) time Answer : tension |
8. to deprive ofA) suggest to B) believe C) disapprove of D) take away from Answer : take away from |
9. the vicinityA) sight B) neighborhood C) energy D) possibility Answer : neighborhood |
10. an objection toA) goal B) thing C) reason against D) reason Answer : reason against |
11. a resourceA) supply B) reason C) goal D) method Answer : supply |
12. to hesitateA) wonder B) cause C) delay D) break Answer : delay |
13. an objectiveA) reason against B) purpose C) puzzle D) supply Answer : purpose |
Exercise 9
Vocabulary2) Write the letter of the choice that is most nearly the opposite in meaning to the word on the left. |
14.a conflictA) agreement B) argument C) gift D) idea Answer : agreement |
15.to originateA) end B) begin C) remember D) forget Answer : end |
16. externalA) outer B) inner C) upper D) lower Answer : inner |
17.to penalizeA) admire B) free C) reward D) entertain Answer : reward |
18.to varyA) keep the same B) warm C) change D) attack Answer : keep the same |
19. a remedyA) need B) cure C) extra D) poison Answer : poison |
20.sufficientA) comfortable B) organized C) not enough D) unimportant Answer : not enough |
21. currentA) electrical B) by hand C) not attractive D) out-of-date Answer : out-of-date |
22. incredibleA) amazing B) believable C) not natural D) asleep Answer : believable |
23.to maintainA) stop B) believe C) doubt D) ignore Answer : stop |
24.maximumA) biggest B) most C) least D) hardest Answer : least |
25.to protestA) broadcast B) hide C) notice D) approve of Answer : approve of |
Exercise 10
1) Write the letter of the choice that is most nearly the same in meaning as the word on the left.1. to transformA) build B) change C) make difficult D) cross Answer : change |
2. to pursueA) follow B) run from C) suggest D) create Answer : follow |
3. to accompanyA) avoid B) go with C) invite D) visit Answer : go with |
4. to proposeA) aim for B) ignore C) suggest D) be proper Answer : suggest |
5. an emphasisA) special attention B) possibility C) lack of importance D) answer Answer : special attention |
6. a surplusA) subtraction B) extra C) a lot D) answer Answer : extra |
7. to detectA) discover B) make C) follow D) commit a crime Answer : discover |
8. a potentialA) favorite B) possibility C) refusal D) desire Answer : possibility |
9. a conscienceA) awareness B) rule C) agreement D) moral sense Answer : moral sense |
10. to interpretA) notice B) explain C) chase D) enter Answer : explain |
11. a varietyA) interest B) health C) leftover D) assortment Answer : assortment |
12. a challengeA) smth. demanding B) first choice C) importance D) change Answer : smth. demanding |
13. to counselA) meet B) elect C) give advice to D) attract Answer : give advice to |
Exercise 11
Vocabulary2) Write the letter of the choice that is most nearly the opposite in meaning to the wordon the left. |
14.ultimateA) least B) greatest C) oldest D) unknown Answer : least |
15. establishA) notice B) recognize C) hide D) destroy Answer : destroy |
16. vagueA) clear B) healthy C) weak D) normal Answer : clear |
17. peculiarA) serious B) independent C) unimportant D) normal Answer : normal |
18. scarceA) helpful B) common C) inexpensive D) clear Answer : common |
19. fertileA) extra B) main C) not fruitful D) most important Answer : not fruitful |
20. solitaryA) usual B) incorrect C) immoral D) with others Answer : with others |
21. principalA) unhappy B) least important C) not famous D) greatest Answer : least important |
22.wholesomeA) detailed B) unhealthy C) not busy D) forgotten Answer : unhealthy |
23. to complicateA) destroy B) leave C) make simple D) disapprove Answer : make simple |
24. dependentA) indirect B) independent C) uncommon D) simple Answer : independent |
25. a preferenceA) favorite B) assortment C) dislike D) worry Answer : dislike |
Exercise 12
l) Write the letter of the choice that is most nearly the same in meaning as the word on the left.1. to exaggerateA) leave B) overstate C) worsen D) ignore Answer : overstate |
2. to aggravateA) get together B) worsen C) win D) expect Answer : worsen |
3. to demonstrateA) sell B) give C) harm D) show Answer : show |
4. to analyzeA) study B) use C) show D) entertain Answer : study |
5. a categoryA) kindness B) horror C) type D) assortment Answer : type |
6. distinctA) clear B) far C) helpful D) loud Answer : clear |
7. to representA) give B) expect C) answer D) be a symbol for Answer : be a symbol for |
8. a frustrationA) wish B) disappointment C) decrease D) charity Answer : disappointment |
9. to coincideA) pay B) overstate C) get in the way D) happen together Answer : happen together |
10. to anticipateA) battle B) worsen C) expect D) free Answer : expect |
11. the frequencyA) power B) visit C) victory D) oftenness Answer : oftenness |
12. to utilizeA) study B) overstate C) make use of D) be a symbol for Answer : make use of |
13. a triumphA) effort B) success C) battle D) loss Answer : success |
Exercise 13
Vocabulary2) Write the letter of the choice that is most nearly the opposite in meaning to the word on the left. |
14. miserableA) able B) comfortable C) expensive D) small Answer : comfortable |
15. abundantA) found B) rare C) faraway D) unimportant Answer : rare |
16. to ceaseA) lose B) leave C) continue D) find Answer : continue |
17. humaneA) dead B) wild C) cruel D) alive Answer : cruel |
18. reluctantA) willing B) angry C) active D) not active Answer : willing |
19. considerableA) unkind B) comfortable C) small D) accidental Answer : small |
20. unstableA) steady B) outdoors C) cruel D) pleasant Answer : steady |
21. criticalA) rare B) small C) common D) approving Answer : approving |
22. deliberateA) loud B) accidental C) hidden D) late Answer : accidental |
23. obnoxiousA) pleasant B) healthy C) strong D) pleased Answer : pleasant |
24. intentionalA) outward B) accidental C) unlikely D) unclear Answer : accidental |
25. to lingerA) yell B) stay C) remain quiet D) rush away Answer : rush away |
Exercise 14
1) Write the letter of the choice that is most nearly the same in meaning as the word
1. to inhabitA) enter B) live in C) get used to D) understand Answer : live in |
2. to fulfillA) fill up B) correct C) carry out D) carry Answer : carry out |
3. to influenceA) avoid B) force C) please D) affect Answer : affect |
4. to transferA) avoid B) move C) keep D) answer Answer : move |
5. to occurA) delay B) surprise C) happen D) happen at the same time Answer : happen |
6. to reviseA) give advice B) go back C) change D) awaken Answer : change |
7. aversionA) rhyme B) dislike C) reason D) form Answer : dislike |
8. to disciplineA) train B) harm C) remove D) affect Answer : train |
9. furthermoreA) instead of B) also C) because D) but Answer : also |
10. to resort toA) vacation at B) sort C) wonder about D) make use of Answer : make use of |
11. an attitudeA) outlook B) height C) quarrel D) rule Answer : outlook |
12. to indicateA) win B) expect C) look for D) point of Answer : point of |
13. to respond toA) know B) answer C) believe D) desire Answer : answer |
Exercise 15
Vocabulary2) Write the letter of the choice that is most nearly the opposite in meaning to the word on the left. |
14. apparentA) hidden B) above C) under D) unnatural Answer : hidden |
15. neutralA) relaxed B) taking sides C) old D) not enough Answer : taking sides |
16. brutalA) loyal B) kind C) unclear D) healthy Answer : kind |
17. customaryA) hidden B) unfriendly C) well-known D) unusual Answer : unusual |
18. awkwardA) graceful B) outward C) noisy D) kind Answer : graceful |
19. a contrastA) being together B) similarity C) disagreement D) favorite Answer : similarity |
20. to vanishA) appear B) disappear C) build D) destroy Answer : appear |
21. a disputeA) disappointment B) friend C) hope D) agreement Answer : agreement |
22. excessiveA) leftover B) indoors C) not enough D) late Answer : not enough |
23. to betrayA) leave B) give C) get stronger D) be loyal Answer : be loyal |
24. accustomed toA) attracted to B) unaware of C) aware of D) not in the habit of Answer : not in the habit of |
25. fragileA) tough B) correct C) unwrapped D) graceful Answer : tough |
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